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Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:10 pm
by free thoughtpolice
A side story.... I read in the paper that a cop discovered a drunk woman sleeping in her car in a parking lot. The cop woke her and asked if she had been drinking. She said she had a couple of drink but got too tired to drive. The cop asked if she drove to the parking lot.... and she said yet. So... she gets arrested for drunk driving. All she had to do was tell the cop she walked to her car to sleep off her buzz... but no... she told the truth. Haha.
If the cop had evidence she would likely be found guilty of making a false statement to the police as well as DUI. In Canada, if she had her keys with her and she tested over the limit she would get charged regardless of whether she had actually driven.
As for the CNN crowd asking why Trump won't testify if he's innocent the way I have usually seen that question is more of a rhetorical question, in that they know he doesn't want to talk because he will likely lie and get caught doing it or he will tell the truth and incriminate himself and possibly some family members. The other part of this is that if Trump doesn't give an interview he will likely be subpenised to testiclefy in front of the Grand Jury.
He could take the 5th at that point but it would be politically disastrous.
By the way John, I thought you were a law and order type what with doing ride alongs with the pigs. You hiding something? You sure there isn't a body buried under that deck you built last year? :think:

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:17 pm
by John D
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
You've done the ride with a cop" thing. Police are just like any other group of people, some good, some bad and most muddling along in between.

If it was a perjury trap, it would be pretty clear to everybody and the heavily-Republican Congress would use that excuse to dismiss the Mueller investigation. I think in this case, the idea of a perjury trap is Trumps plausible excuse for not testifying. The man lies nearly everything he says, and it seems compulsive.
I'm still doing the cop thing and I regularly scout the neighborhood as a citizens patrol volunteer. I am very much a pro law and order kind of guy. But, I am not stupid. Don't talk to the cops! Now this doesn't prevent me from calling dispatch that there is a suspicious van in someone's driveway. I will report people to the cops. I just don't need to talk about me. Haha.

Trump is one of the biggest liars on earth. Of course he shouldn't testify under oath.... just for his own good. Now, if you really hate Trump... then of course you think he should testify.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:19 pm
by John D
free thoughtpolice wrote:
A side story.... I read in the paper that a cop discovered a drunk woman sleeping in her car in a parking lot. The cop woke her and asked if she had been drinking. She said she had a couple of drink but got too tired to drive. The cop asked if she drove to the parking lot.... and she said yet. So... she gets arrested for drunk driving. All she had to do was tell the cop she walked to her car to sleep off her buzz... but no... she told the truth. Haha.
If the cop had evidence she would likely be found guilty of making a false statement to the police as well as DUI. In Canada, if she had her keys with her and she tested over the limit she would get charged regardless of whether she had actually driven.
As for the CNN crowd asking why Trump won't testify if he's innocent the way I have usually seen that question is more of a rhetorical question, in that they know he doesn't want to talk because he will likely lie and get caught doing it or he will tell the truth and incriminate himself and possibly some family members. The other part of this is that if Trump doesn't give an interview he will likely be subpenised to testiclefy in front of the Grand Jury.
He could take the 5th at that point but it would be politically disastrous.
By the way John, I thought you were a law and order type what with doing ride alongs with the pigs. You hiding something? You sure there isn't a body buried under that deck you built last year? :think:
Hell man.... I just had a bunch of concrete poured at my house.... what do you think?

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2018 2:35 pm
by free thoughtpolice
Hell man.... I just had a bunch of concrete poured at my house.... what do you think?
Uh gee. That scumbag ex son-in-law of yours hasn't gone missing lately has he? :shock:

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 6:14 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:47 am
by Kirbmarc
John D wrote:
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
You've done the ride with a cop" thing. Police are just like any other group of people, some good, some bad and most muddling along in between.

If it was a perjury trap, it would be pretty clear to everybody and the heavily-Republican Congress would use that excuse to dismiss the Mueller investigation. I think in this case, the idea of a perjury trap is Trumps plausible excuse for not testifying. The man lies nearly everything he says, and it seems compulsive.
I'm still doing the cop thing and I regularly scout the neighborhood as a citizens patrol volunteer. I am very much a pro law and order kind of guy. But, I am not stupid. Don't talk to the cops! Now this doesn't prevent me from calling dispatch that there is a suspicious van in someone's driveway. I will report people to the cops. I just don't need to talk about me. Haha.

Trump is one of the biggest liars on earth. Of course he shouldn't testify under oath.... just for his own good. Now, if you really hate Trump... then of course you think he should testify.
There's no perjury trap unless Trump is a complete moron and he decides to answer questions instead of pleading the fifth. However I expect that it would take A LOT to get Trump to be compelled to testify, and he likely WON'T agree on his own.

Of course Trump has a constitutional right not to self incriminate himself, just like every other US citizen. He might not have a right to refuse to testify if he's subpoenaed. It's very rare that a President might be subpoenaed, but it has happened both to Bill Clinton and to Richard Nixon. Clinton was compelled to testify for a civil case, Nixon to hand over the infamous tapes.

Several experts seem to agree that Trump can be subpoenaed, although the specific issues of whether a president can be legally compelled to testify for a federal prosecution case has never made it to the Supreme Court.

IF Trump is subpoenaed he COULD refuse to testify anyway. The matter would come in the hands of the Supreme Court, which would have to rule on this matter. Clinton and to testify so SCOTUS never had to rule on whether they subpoena were LEGALLY COMPELLING them to do so. I expect that Trump will not agree to testify like Clinton did.

In 1974 the Supreme Court compelled Nixon to hand over the infamous tapes, so there is SOME (unclear) precedent for compelling a president to be legally compelled by a subpoena. It's just not clear if the 1974 decision applies to the president being compelled to testify. It's likely that IF Trump is subpoenaed, the matter would come to the Supreme Court. There's likely going to be a long-drawn court battle if that happens.

IF Trump is subpoenaed AND the Supreme Court rules against him, so he's compelled to testify, there's still no "perjury trap". If he wants to avoid being prosecuted for perjury his best option would be to decline to answer any question and assert his fifth amendment privilege.

Like here:

It's actually not that hard not to incriminate yourself: you just need to say nothing but that you don't want to incriminate yourself. Trump can do it. It wouldn't look good politically, though.

The absolutely worst thing that Trump could do would be to refuse to testify AFTER he'd been subpoenaed AND AFTER SCOTUS ruled that he's compelled to testify. IF this happens the US would have a constitutional crisis. In the nightmare case scenario Trump could be indicted of contempt of the court for refusing to testify, but still refuse to appear in court.

Nixon avoided a similar crisis first by handing over the tapes, then by resigning before he was indicted. I don't think Trump would accept that. If the absolute worst happens it would take MONTHS to figure out what to do.

All of this is still highly theoretical though. Trump hasn't been subpoenaed yet, so he's well within his rights not to testify (nothing compels him to do so).

Still it's concerning that he makes Twitter jokes about a serious matter that could eventually trigger a constitutional crisis.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:18 am
by Kirbmarc
Alternatively if Trump is subpoenaed he could fire whoever wrote the subpoena, if they're a federal judge or a special counsel like Muller. That'd open a big can of worms, though.

What I think is likely is that Trump WON'T be subpoenaed before the mid-term elections. After the elections, though, if the Democrats control the House and MAYBE Senate (which is unlikely, but could happen) and many Republican leaders start to distance themselves from Trump since he's proven to be electoral poison, I COULD see Trump being subpoenaed, with the understanding that he MIGHT eventually be impeached.

Alternatively the Congress might decide to impeach him even before he's subpoenaed, since Cohen pleading guilty and Trump being practically named as his co-conspirator MIGHT be interpreted as "high crimes and misdemeanors". But I highly doubt that. It'd take a 67 senators super-majority in the Senate to impeach Trump, and the Dems will NOT have even the GOP loses ALL the senate races, so it'd not be in the best interest of the impeachment to start BEFORE a long, drawn-out confrontation about what Trump has or has not done, or about whether a president can or cannot be compelled to testify.

We're still pretty far from there, though.

I expect that the proceedings will take a REALLY LONG time anyway. Trump will fight any court order for as long as he can.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:32 am
by Kirbmarc
Oh, and Trump will very likely not be indicted, or "go to jail", ever, unless he's impeachment AND removed from office first. So Cohen's guilty plea is still VERY FAR from being a legal hassle for Trump. Contrary to what some people think you can't just "lock up" public officials.

In terms of political hassles, though, this is very bad for Trump and the GOP. Trump's fan base will not flinch if he starts shooting grandmas on first avenue, but independents and more moderate Republicans might stay home or even switch to democrats. A president which might be EVENTUALLY be removed from office, and will LIKELY be at the center of some proceedings sooner or later means an unstable country, which might frighten independents and moderates.

The GOP has decided to stay more or less compactly on Trump's side, even electing some Trump-ish candidates in its primaries, like Kris Kobach in Kansas. IF Trump's issues reflect badly on those candidates the GOP might re-evaluate its loyalties.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:14 am
by Sunder
If the House flips then the election will be a very clear referendum on Trump that all but the stupidest Republicans won't be able to ignore. A big fucking warning klaxon saying "this is your last chance to get off the sinking ship, dumbass."

House Republicans might continue to be obstinate thanks to their gerrymandered safe districts, but then it's already looking like many of them aren't so safe after all. Senators won't even be that lucky. If they're the only hurdle then the electorate is going to knock them over next chance it gets. Will they throw away their jobs to protect their bad investment?

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:41 am
by free thoughtpolice
Somewhat ninjaed by Sunder here. Republicans aren't any more loyal to Trump than he is to them. The only important thing to them is survival.
If the dems take the house, especially if they continue to win otherwise safe seats they will toss Trump overboard like the toxic piece of trash he is. The democrats don't need to win 67 seats in the senate to impeach Trump. They only need enough repubs to get onside.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 9:50 am
by Kirbmarc
free thoughtpolice wrote: Somewhat ninjaed by Sunder here. Republicans aren't any more loyal to Trump than he is to them. The only important thing to them is survival.
If the dems take the house, especially if they continue to win otherwise safe seats they will toss Trump overboard like the toxic piece of trash he is. The democrats don't need to win 67 seats in the senate to impeach Trump. They only need enough repubs to get onside.
I agree that if there's a huge loss for the GOP in November then some Republicans might be tempted to toss Trump aside. I don't see any impeachment proceedings happening even being remotely suggested before November though. Some people seem to think that Trump will be subpoenaed soon, since Cohen and Manafort played guilty, but I don't see it happening before November, either.

The best way to defeat Trump is through the ballot box. If the GOP starts to think he's political poison they'll start to cover their own asses even if it means throwing him out. But if the "blue wave" fails to materialize I think that Trump will stay in power until 2020, no matter what happens in the courts.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 10:00 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny
Of course, the regressive left is doing their very best to steer the Democrat party further leftward and disaster. They have all the strategy of a drunk goat.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 10:01 am
by Old_ones
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:

The most significant thing about this is that Cohen's comment about Trump directing him to commit crimes wasn't part of his prepared testimony and he wasn't required to reveal this information in order to make his plea. Cohen volunteered that information because he wanted to make a political headache for Trump, and/or because he wanted to get the attention of prosecutors investigating Trump. If anyone has the goods on this guy it would be Cohen, and his lawyer Lanny Davis was all over the news shows last night talking about how he wants to cooperate with prosecutors and how he doesn't believe Trump is fit to be president. If Cohen wants to be the next John Dean that is huge.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:35 am
by Kirbmarc
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote: Of course, the regressive left is doing their very best to steer the Democrat party further leftward and disaster. They have all the strategy of a drunk goat.
If some SocJus ideas hadn't spread among Clinton campaign staff, leading Clinton and her staff to do things like neglecting the Rust Belt, the infamous "basket of deplorables" speech, using Lena Dunham as a spokeswoman in North Carolina, contacting Brianna Wu and taking her seriously, etc., maybe Trump would have never been elected.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:14 pm
by CaptainFluffyBunny

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:22 pm
by free thoughtpolice
The first congressman that endorsed Trump was charged with a crime recently, and the second one to endorse him, Duncan Hunter has now been charged with stealing campaign funds. Also 2 otherwise safe seats for repubs that aren't that safe.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:43 pm
by Kirbmarc
free thoughtpolice wrote: The first congressman that endorsed Trump was charged with a crime recently, and the second one to endorse him, Duncan Hunter has now been charged with stealing campaign funds. Also 2 otherwise safe seats for repubs that aren't that safe.
Only the best people. :bjarte:

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:24 pm
by CaptainFluffyBunny
Trump will end up destroying the Republican party. It's sad, even if well-deserved.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:47 pm
by Kirbmarc
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote: Trump will end up destroying the Republican party. It's sad, even if well-deserved.
If the destruction of the GOP would lead to the end of the two party system in the US and to more political pluralism (with the need to form coalitions and isolate/marginalize the nuts) I'd be all for it. Sadly I don't think this will happen. Trump will go down in flames eventually, but the way the US political system functions it won't be the end of the Republican party, only the beginning of a string of Democratic victories...for a while.

Instead I'm expecting an even more radical polarization on both sides under a future Democratic president, and if the Democrats can't find a way to ditch the more counterproductive and alienating parts of the SocJus, an eventual resurgence of the Republicans under a new populist/nativist leader, maybe even one who's less dumb and better at avoiding scandals than the Orange Idiot.

The nightmare scenario (which is unlikely, but not impossible) is that the SocJus "punching up" rhetoric (think Sarah Jeong) completely takes over the Dems and succeeds at creating a political rift on "race" basis, with the GOP becoming the "White Party" and the Dems "No Party for Privileged White People".

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:55 pm
by Kirbmarc
Hopefully the end of the Trump shenanigans will take away support from the SocJus extremism, since without an enemy to fight the most rabid SocJus supporters will turn on each other and so alienate most moderate and rational people.

I think that as long as Trump is president the SocJus will look much more noble and well-intended than they are. Without a president who stirs shit on social media they MIGHT start a feeding frenzy on each other, and reach a point when pretty much everyone sees them as destructive and counterproductive.

This is the best case scenario. As a pessimist, I don't believe in it too much, but I could be pleasantly surprised.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:00 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny
Oh, I exaggerate about the Republicans. Some people are gonna vote R all their lives with as little thought as possible, some D. Both parties are hurting themselves. It would be nice to see viable third of fourth parties, but I'm not holding my breath either.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:04 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny
Given Cohen's recent statements, does anybody believe this is good news for Trump?
Michael Cohen personally called tax officials in New York the same day he received a subpoena from state investigators looking into the Trump Foundation.
No Trump pardons from state charges. ... ssion=true

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:25 am
by Kirbmarc
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote: Given Cohen's recent statements, does anybody believe this is good news for Trump?
Michael Cohen personally called tax officials in New York the same day he received a subpoena from state investigators looking into the Trump Foundation.
No Trump pardons from state charges. ... ssion=true
Also at least IN THEORY a state judge COULD indict the president. It's only federal judges that can't. It has NEVER happened before, though, so I don't think it'll happens now. Well, unless Trump shoots Cohen in the middle of New York.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:27 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny
This made me laugh..

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:24 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny ... ssion=true
CNBC and others reporting David Pecker, owner of National Enquirer and long-time Trump friend is getting immunity for cooperating with investigators. Pecker helped bury at least one report of Trump's affairs. My guess is that Trump will hit panic mode pretty soon.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 9:25 am
by free thoughtpolice
Trump wants to stop the practice of flipping witnesses, giving immunity to suspects for testimony on Mr. Big. ... -1.4064671
It makes people make up lies and is unfair to the target!
Ironically, in the past Trump dodged paying state tax on jewellery he bought in New York by having the store mail an empty box to one of his out of state addresses while his wife walked out of the store wearing the jewellery. ...

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 10:03 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny

Little fella grew a spine. The rumor is that Trump was gonna fire him anyway after the midterms.

Sorry for posting so much, but there's a whole lotta Trump stuff going down.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 10:34 am
by free thoughtpolice
addendum to my last post:
Trump testified against the jewellers and avoided being charged himself. I wonder if he lied about them cause that's what flippers do and apparently Trump is a

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 10:55 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny
Over on the main thread there's some legitimate worry about overthrowing Trump only to wind up with Pence. Should Trump actually be booted, Pence will be a lame duck with a reputation as a Trump crony. I doubt he would have much more power than the White House menu. And pardons, of course.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:10 am
by Sunder
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote: Over on the main thread there's some legitimate worry about overthrowing Trump only to wind up with Pence. Should Trump actually be booted, Pence will be a lame duck with a reputation as a Trump crony. I doubt he would have much more power than the White House menu. And pardons, of course.
If Trump goes down then everyone and everything connected to him will be fruit of a poisoned tree.

If there's one thing we've learned from this debacle it's that Republicans in Congress have cojones the size of raisins. They're already losing courage and keeping their heads down with the recent news, hedging their bets on what to do next. If Trump goes they'll be bending over backward trying to convince the public "no really we're not to blame." It definitely will not be a good time for a legislative free-for-all.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 8:11 pm
by CaptainFluffyBunny

Not directly Trump-related but so egregious I had to post it. One of Trump's supporters throws his wife under the bus. I'm trying to think of something worse, but only kicking a cat or dog comes to mind.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:14 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny ... urces.html
CFO of Trump organization granted immunity in Cohen probe. I have to imagine that this will make Trump a trifle upset.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:29 am
by Lsuoma
Nearly niggered by CFB, but to quote Churchill:
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
:burn: :burn: :burn: :burn:

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:31 am
by Lsuoma
OTOH, if it is true that, like radiation, there may be a LNT model for safe consumption of booze then IDWTLOTPA.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 7:56 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny

Jeepers, I guess people should just ignore all those crimes Trump committed because, gosh darn it, a Republican will just replace him. Checkmate, libtards! :roll:

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 9:04 am
by d4m10n
Old_ones wrote: The most significant thing about this is that Cohen's comment about Trump directing him to commit crimes wasn't part of his prepared testimony and he wasn't required to reveal this information in order to make his plea. Cohen volunteered that information because he wanted to make a political headache for Trump, and/or because he wanted to get the attention of prosecutors investigating Trump. If anyone has the goods on this guy it would be Cohen, and his lawyer Lanny Davis was all over the news shows last night talking about how he wants to cooperate with prosecutors and how he doesn't believe Trump is fit to be president. If Cohen wants to be the next John Dean that is huge.
If anyone really has the goods on DJT's financial shenanigans, it would be Allen Weisselberg.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 9:46 am
by Old_ones
d4m10n wrote:
Old_ones wrote: The most significant thing about this is that Cohen's comment about Trump directing him to commit crimes wasn't part of his prepared testimony and he wasn't required to reveal this information in order to make his plea. Cohen volunteered that information because he wanted to make a political headache for Trump, and/or because he wanted to get the attention of prosecutors investigating Trump. If anyone has the goods on this guy it would be Cohen, and his lawyer Lanny Davis was all over the news shows last night talking about how he wants to cooperate with prosecutors and how he doesn't believe Trump is fit to be president. If Cohen wants to be the next John Dean that is huge.
If anyone really has the goods on DJT's financial shenanigans, it would be Allen Weisselberg.

Trump's whole operation is being eviscerated from multiple angles. David Pecker is also cooperating with an investigation and also has immunity. He was apparently using The National Enquirer to acquire and bury information about scandalous behavior on the part of trump. ... 1535041976

Trump better hope he did nothing wrong, because it seems like multiple investigations have gotten access to pretty much anything they would want to know about the way he has been operating.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:50 am
by free thoughtpolice
Notice that all the flippers are all Christkillers? Coincidence? I think not. ... ainst-him/
Everyone lining up to drive a knife in Trump’s back is a Christkilling kike.

And let me tell you fucking monsters something – this is direct speech, from me – your entire race is going to be held responsible for this.

I am going to make sure of it.

“All three of the people testifying against Trump are Jews” is the greatest talking point of all time, and it will be used for years. It will ultimately lead to the gates of a real Auschwitz.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 10:55 am
by Lsuoma
free thoughtpolice wrote: Notice that all the flippers are all Christkillers? Coincidence? I think not. ... ainst-him/
Everyone lining up to drive a knife in Trump’s back is a Christkilling kike.

And let me tell you fucking monsters something – this is direct speech, from me – your entire race is going to be held responsible for this.

I am going to make sure of it.

“All three of the people testifying against Trump are Jews” is the greatest talking point of all time, and it will be used for years. It will ultimately lead to the gates of a real Auschwitz.

So, is that Alt-Right or Alt-Lite?

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 11:01 am
by free thoughtpolice
I believe that is slightly wet alt-white.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:19 pm
by Lsuoma

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 5:10 am
by Matt Cavanaugh
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote: Trump will end up destroying the Republican party. It's sad, even if well-deserved.
He did destroy it in 2016, they just haven't noticed yet.

He's well on his way to destroying the Democratic Party, too.

I'd consider both a blessing, were he not so capable of destroying pretty much everything else, too.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:06 am
by Old_ones
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote: Trump will end up destroying the Republican party. It's sad, even if well-deserved.
Or Trump and the Republicans will manage to destroy the justice department and electoral system, and we'll have a lovely Republican run "defacto ethnostate" for Brive to flee to so that he can escape being genocided by having a halal cart in view of his house.

Luckily, I don't think we are on that trajectory right now, but earlier this year I actually was concerned that Trump would eventually breach the separation between the office of the President and the DOJ. The way he talks about the DOJ makes it clear that he thinks he should have the ability to use it to punish his political opponents. The only thing that stops him is push back from the people surrounding him who care a little more about how the government is actually supposed to work.

My hope is that the Republican party will be so badly damaged by Trump (and the Mueller investigation) that they decide to completely rebrand and go in a more reasonable direction. If the Russia investigation makes an example of a bunch of crooks, that could actually be a good thing for the Republicans in the long run. We need a party of the right that isn't badly corrupted, and is capable of articulating sensible alternatives to the identity nonsense that the Democrats are likely to continue bringing in from the far left. If we continue on this trajectory where both of our parties are gradually getting more insane and ridiculous we will eventually end up living in a dysfunctional hell hole.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:56 am
by free thoughtpolice
Old_ones wrote:
The only thing that stops him is push back from the people surrounding him who care a little more about how the government is actually supposed to work.
One thing I find distressing is Lindsey Graham who used to brag about his respect for the legal system, what with him once being a JAG and all is signalling that Trump can fire Sessions after the midterms and get away with it. Presumably he thinks the repubs can pick up a few more senate seats and they can have enough proTrumpers to safely confirm a replacement that will be loyal to Trump and squash the Mueller investigations.
Either Graham is a bigger hypocrite than I thought or Trump has something on him. I would expect it would have to be bigger than him just being a closeted gay.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:11 am
by Old_ones
free thoughtpolice wrote: Old_ones wrote:
The only thing that stops him is push back from the people surrounding him who care a little more about how the government is actually supposed to work.
One thing I find distressing is Lindsey Graham who used to brag about his respect for the legal system, what with him once being a JAG and all is signalling that Trump can fire Sessions after the midterms and get away with it. Presumably he thinks the repubs can pick up a few more senate seats and they can have enough proTrumpers to safely confirm a replacement that will be loyal to Trump and squash the Mueller investigations.
Either Graham is a bigger hypocrite than I thought or Trump has something on him. I would expect it would have to be bigger than him just being a closeted gay.
I always just figured Lindsey Graham was a giant hypocrite.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2018 11:44 am
by Sunder
free thoughtpolice wrote: Presumably he thinks the repubs can pick up a few more senate seats and they can have enough proTrumpers to safely confirm a replacement that will be loyal to Trump and squash the Mueller investigations.
This is the least likely scenario. Two more likely ones are:
1) Removing Sessions during the lame duck season regardless of whether they win or lose seats.
2) Expecting a loss and then telling Donny after the midterms "well gee looks like it's too late to do anything now" as a way of avoiding becoming complicit in this shitstorm while still seeming loyal.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:50 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:42 am
by free thoughtpolice

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:43 am
by free thoughtpolice

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:01 pm
by free thoughtpolice

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:54 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny


Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:43 am
by d4m10n
Easy to see how he got confused on this one . . .

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:17 am
by John D
Posting this twice still doesn't make it funny.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 1:32 pm
by Sunder
Oh hey, looks like talks with North Korea have fallen through in exactly the manner everyone but Team Trump predicted would happen.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:50 pm
by CaptainFluffyBunny
Sunder wrote: Oh hey, looks like talks with North Korea have fallen through in exactly the manner everyone but Team Trump predicted would happen.
If I recall, people on this very forum were saying that Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Trump is poison.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:56 pm
by CaptainFluffyBunny
John D wrote:
Posting this twice still doesn't make it funny.
It was. Some people don't find Maher funny, which is cool. There were a lot of comics in the 90s (Andrew Dice Clay) that I thought horribly painful, but people assured me was funny. Different horses, etc.

When I was a kid, I heard "different horses for different courses" as a meal-planning thing. The perils of growing up in a redneck town.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:21 am
by John D
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
Sunder wrote: Oh hey, looks like talks with North Korea have fallen through in exactly the manner everyone but Team Trump predicted would happen.
If I recall, people on this very forum were saying that Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Trump is poison.
He still might. Trump never said that the negotiation with Kim would be easy and he never claimed the deal was done. As I recall, he pretty much always said that what he had accomplished was just a start and that there was a lot more work to do. Cancelling the Pompeo visit as a reaction to news reports of Kim setting up more nuke sites makes perfect sense. Why do you think this not just a part of the longer process? You are not making any sense.

Trump's activities at least got the leaders on the North and South to meet each other... and... there are still all the sanctions on North Korea. I just don't see how you can say Trump has failed in any way. Granted, in the long run he may fail, but I appreciate him trying some new tricks to solve this problem. He hasn't succeeded in a dramatic way yet, but he moved the ball down the field.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:54 am
by John D
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
John D wrote:
Posting this twice still doesn't make it funny.
It was. Some people don't find Maher funny, which is cool. There were a lot of comics in the 90s (Andrew Dice Clay) that I thought horribly painful, but people assured me was funny. Different horses, etc.

When I was a kid, I heard "different horses for different courses" as a meal-planning thing. The perils of growing up in a redneck town.
Colbert used to make me laugh... now.... when I force myself to watch him I scream at the TV... "God damn it Colbert... why don't you make me laugh!"

I don't know what happened. I used to love watching comedy, including standup and late night stuff. Now, none of it makes me laugh. I feel like I am detached from the current "zeitgeist" or whatever.

Odd things make me laugh now. For example; any interview with Hillary Clinton makes me laugh. I find her so horrible... haha. Hell, I even preferred her to Obama ten years ago. How things change.

Those "reality" shows like Maury make me laugh. Wow.... giant schadenfrueda. I enjoy witnessing how badly shitty people can fuck up their lives. "In the case of 18 month old Briana... Leon... you ARE the father!" Great stuff.

Listening to Chuck Schumer fall all over himself to praise John McCain... and even wanting to name a building after him.... now that's fucking funny! Haha.

and... this is funny.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 8:08 am
by CaptainFluffyBunny
John D wrote:
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
Sunder wrote: Oh hey, looks like talks with North Korea have fallen through in exactly the manner everyone but Team Trump predicted would happen.
If I recall, people on this very forum were saying that Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Trump is poison.
He still might. Trump never said that the negotiation with Kim would be easy and he never claimed the deal was done. As I recall, he pretty much always said that what he had accomplished was just a start and that there was a lot more work to do. Cancelling the Pompeo visit as a reaction to news reports of Kim setting up more nuke sites makes perfect sense. Why do you think this not just a part of the longer process? You are not making any sense.

Trump's activities at least got the leaders on the North and South to meet each other... and... there are still all the sanctions on North Korea. I just don't see how you can say Trump has failed in any way. Granted, in the long run he may fail, but I appreciate him trying some new tricks to solve this problem. He hasn't succeeded in a dramatic way yet, but he moved the ball down the field.
Kim got a meeting with the president, vastly raising his clout. The US looked very foolish, and a pissed-off China isn't being as strict with the sanctions. Most foreign leaders are looking to use Trump's ego to play him for points. Not a good look.

Re: The Trump Dump!

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 8:30 am
by Kirbmarc
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote: Kim got a meeting with the president, vastly raising his clout. The US looked very foolish, and a pissed-off China isn't being as strict with the sanctions. Most foreign leaders are looking to use Trump's ego to play him for points. Not a good look.
Trump is a chump, but North Korea would never ACTUALLY give up its nukes. Those nukes are pretty much the only reason why Kim Jong Un can sleep safely, knowing that no one will invade his country now that he can go nuclear. Un wants to stay alive, he' seen what happened to Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi, and is in no rush of being dragged into a tribunal and executed, or being dragged out of a car and being beaten to death.

He ruled and rules his country as an authoritarian shithole, he knows that if the US would invade him or militarily support an insurrection against him he'd get no mercy, at the first big defeat on North Korean soil his own court would abandon him and try to save their own asses. The nukes are a way to warn the American to not even think about trying to invasions or coups or supporting rebellions.

The best you can get from North Korea is a lack of open hostility.