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Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 1:42 pm
by John D
free thoughtpolice wrote: ThreeFlangedJavis wrote:
Actually, there are groups in South Africa with exactly those aims, and guess what, the South African Human Rights Commission think their racist comments are just dandy. Anyway, I made a bit of a sarcastic comment about Propublica and in the next comment had a bit of a dig at the "we can do no wrong but everything you do is evil" attitude of Gifford and her apologists. Why are you asking me about muslims collecting weapons?
I expect you disagree with the SA Human rights Commission and although I don't know what specific groups you are talking about I probably would agree with you. I made the comparison with anti white SA racists and pro jihad muslims because it appears that at least two posters here were thinking that this poor nazi chucklehead was being treated unfairly, which I'm pretty sure they wouldn't worry about if it were muslim pro jihadis targeted for engaging in the same behavior. Kind of the same attitude you pointed out that Griffin and her crowd had by defending her.
My apologies if I got you wrong.
Muslim jihadis..... show me the crime
Skin heads..... show me the crime
Antifa..... show me the crime

The problem with red-flag laws is that they could eliminate the rights of many people without trial, or even a search warranty. These laws could work, but I doubt they will.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 1:46 pm
by John D
Red flags are a real slippery slope (something I usually don't think are very common). But, you take away guns from someone for their speech, pretty soon you start taking guns from people for "reasons" such a being clinically depressed... Of course, a clinically depressed person is at more risk from guns in the home, but is it a reason to take guns away? Well..... if the left gets red flag laws you better believe they will take guns from almost everyone for any reason. Most leftists will do ANYTHING to take away ALL guns.... and I suspect red flag laws will be a favorite tool.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:11 pm
by Matt Cavanaugh
free thoughtpolice wrote: ... gton-state
The group has been advocating for race war as well as training and planning for it apparently.
Cole was not charged with any crimes at the time.
Nuf ced.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:13 pm
by Matt Cavanaugh
Its white supremacist members claim they will not start the war, but they are arming themselves in preparation. ... f877977340

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:27 pm
by free thoughtpolice
John D wrote:
The problem with red-flag laws is that they could eliminate the rights of many people without trial, or even a search warranty. These laws could work, but I doubt they will.
The FBI gave a judge a 62 page investigation to a judge and had a warrant to get the weapons. His org has shown dangerous behavior including 5 of them committing murder.
Neighbor of a friend of mine got his guns yanked because he threatened to shoot his good friend that was fucking his hot but slutty wife. Some speech, like talking about and planning to commit a violent crime is not protected speech in Canada or the US. You appear to be minimizing this asshole's behavior, this is not a protected speech matter. Is it not illegal to belong to and support Al Qaeda or ISIS? What about their freedom of speech and association?
You are taking the slippery slope argument which sounds like the arguments so many that oppose any gun regs take. Outlawing weapons like fully automatic weapons hasn't caused everyone in the US to lose their guns.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not some anti-gun crusader. I've had guns and hunted for many years. I'm not in favor of over restrictive regs but there is a point where public safety becomes compromised. Apparently, the red flag law requires a warrant and not just any cop is allowed to enforce or pursue a warrant.I don't know all the details of the law, but it seems at least in this case it was a sensible and fair outcome.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:33 pm
by BoxNDox
free thoughtpolice wrote:
ThreeFlangedJavis wrote:
free thoughtpolice wrote:
Sun Oct 20, 2019 11:49 am
They took this guys guns even though he belonged to a well regulated militia. They aren't even muslims. ... hate-group
Thanks, interesting, I'll look for an actual news outlet running the story. ... gton-state
The group has been advocating for race war as well as training and planning for it apparently. They call their movement "white jihad". Suppose you have black South Africans in a similar group that want to eliminate whites and are training and planning for it, or a group of muslims that want to kill all the kaffir. Would you want to support their right to collect military style weapons?
First, the article says there were "five military-style rifles, three pistols and other gun parts". I know any number of private citizens with more guns than that.

Second, I have no idea what is meant by "military-syle rifle". If it's the same as the ones Dianne Feinstein writes pointless legislation trying to ban, a reasonable translation would be "scary-looking gun". This also fails to impress.

Third, there was no obvious crime or they most definitely would have charged him - the article says they did not. So the stories about there having been various crimes are apparently just that: Stories.

As I said in my previous post, maybe there was justification for this action. Maybe there wasn't. But there's nothing in the news reports I've seen
that says there was.

Anyway, to answer your question, given a group with a small number of legal weapons and no clear intention to cause harm, yes, I support them
retaining their rights under the constitution and law no matter who their imagined target is. And FWIW, I'm Jewish.
As for the stupid talentless Kathy Griffin and that stupid stunt she pulled: she got a visit from the secret service and she basically lost what little of a career she had. Got what she deserved. Meanwhile she didn't openly plan violence , train for it , or set up a nationwide org and recruit others to carry it out. Or for that matter none of her non existent organization actually carried out murder.
And here I thought that part of Griffin's supposed charm was her being a "D lister".

I hate to break it to you, but lots of people get visits from the Secret Service - sometimes repeated ones - for a lot less reason. (A friend of mine was on this detail for a while, and apparently it's awful.) It's called "potential threat assessment" and basically means diddley-squat.

As for her career, Wikipedia says some of her 2018 "comeback" tour dates sold out almost immediately. So I guess we're not rid of her after all. More's the pity.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:34 pm
by AndrewV69

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:00 pm
by Service Dog
I worked another corporate/feminist event this week.
This one funded by a major credit card company.
It was allegedly a serious business event, about small-business-sector entrepeneurship & financing.
There were several kiosks, representing women's business start ups. One sold $45 showercaps. Another, jewelry.
An floral-stylist. Saucy black-power lady-power slogans printed on t-shirts ("I don't want a seat, I want the whole table!").
Little jars of fragrance oils. Same with the panelists onstage: no plumbing female contractors or medical hardware manufacturers or anything which will last 5 years. The founder of BirchBox spoke... for a monthly subscription fee, her company sends you a mystery box of cosmetics samples.

Despite the lack of license plumbers, there was avid interest in plumbing.
The men's room door was vinyl'd-over with this:

The sink got a white-noise emitter to conceal ladyfarts & a bowl of tampons & a new affirmation decal on the mirror:

The urinals became this:

The event took-over the entire 6th & 1st floors of a building. By eliminating the urinals & eliminating the men's room, the women forced themselves to stand-behind men in line, waiting to all use the same stalls. There was a Whites Only Women Only bathroom on the ground floor, and single toilet "unisex" bathroom, but that required waiting in line for a small, slow elevator; to then get in line for that toilet.

The whole place was decorated in pale pink, flowers flowers flowers, and empty slogans on the walls, like "CEO,000,000"
A spin-off of Johnnie Walker was served, branded as "Janie Walker".

One of the panelists used the phrases 'second round of venture funding' and 'founder pay'. The moderator noted that those were terms which not-every-woman would know. Where did she learn about those crucial things. She replied that she and her co-founder-- had 'asked our dads'. I thought maybe the dads should be the ones on the panel, then.

The event ended. And men showed up to take-apart the walls & lights & electric cables & rental furniture. The florists were almost-all women. The sound crew and production managers were mixed male&female. The officejob supervisors were predominately female or gay guys.

As I bicycled home, I listened to Joe Rogan talking to another comedian about fake-professional comedians who hang-around backstage at L.A.'s Comedy Store. The opened for somebody famous once, or kinda-did comedy at some point... but they've got nothing really going-on. They're there for the drinks & to hang-around real pros & sometimes they awkwardly interject themselves in a conversation between actual pros talking-shop. "It's weird", said Joe. "Imagine if there was a place where CEOs gathered to talk... but there were all these Fake CEOs hanging-around, pretending to be a part of it." I didn't have to imagine.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:04 pm
by John D
free thoughtpolice wrote: John D wrote:
The problem with red-flag laws is that they could eliminate the rights of many people without trial, or even a search warranty. These laws could work, but I doubt they will.
The FBI gave a judge a 62 page investigation to a judge and had a warrant to get the weapons. His org has shown dangerous behavior including 5 of them committing murder.
Neighbor of a friend of mine got his guns yanked because he threatened to shoot his good friend that was fucking his hot but slutty wife. Some speech, like talking about and planning to commit a violent crime is not protected speech in Canada or the US. You appear to be minimizing this asshole's behavior, this is not a protected speech matter. Is it not illegal to belong to and support Al Qaeda or ISIS? What about their freedom of speech and association?
You are taking the slippery slope argument which sounds like the arguments so many that oppose any gun regs take. Outlawing weapons like fully automatic weapons hasn't caused everyone in the US to lose their guns.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not some anti-gun crusader. I've had guns and hunted for many years. I'm not in favor of over restrictive regs but there is a point where public safety becomes compromised. Apparently, the red flag law requires a warrant and not just any cop is allowed to enforce or pursue a warrant.I don't know all the details of the law, but it seems at least in this case it was a sensible and fair outcome.
of course, the bad reporting on this case shows us a few things. 1) I think none of the weapons are fully automatic...right? Did you read that he had any illegal weapons. 2) The weapons are called 'military style" which really just refers to a rifle with some handles. 3) There is a gun that looks illegally sawed off. So....WTF! Are these weapons illegal? This is one of the most important parts of the story.

So, why did you mention you think people can't have automatic weapons? These guns look like no more that a typical gun enthusiast would have.

Of course, the FBI can write a 62 page treatise in about an hours.

and how do I know... maybe this guy was about to go off on a shooting spree. I just don't think one judge should make this determination. It is interesting that this ruling was done in Seattle, one of the most leftist cities on the planet.

This little tidbit is also interesting..... "That unit has now seized nearly 1,100 firearms since 2017, mostly from accused domestic abusers." So, they has taken a thousand guns from people who have never been prosecuted for a crime. Did the government reimburse the owner for stealing their property? How many of these people just had horrible marriages where the wife called the cops after a fight. Yeah... most of them. She screams at him.... he screams at her.... she slaps him.... he throws her against the wall. No prosecution.... nope... but we will steal all your guns thank you very much... and we will sell them to line our cop pockets with a million dollars worth of guns. Fuck them.

I go back to show me the crime.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:04 pm
by free thoughtpolice
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
Its white supremacist members claim they will not start the war, but they are arming themselves in preparation. ... f877977340
Hell's Angel's members also say they have nothing to do with crime, they are just motorcycle enthusiasts.
The dude that threatened to kill his (ex)friend that I mentioned a few posts up didn't get charged with a crime either. They took away his guns for a cooling off period and for better or worse he got back with his wife. They may have saved him from doing a big fuckup.
Judging by the activities of Atomwaffen that is coming to light, such as 5 murders coming from some of their members it wouldn't surprise me if the FBI isn't actively investigating them in order to get them a RICO or a terrorist designation and that is why they had such a detailed proposal to the judge that approved the warrant for the seizure. If they can get enough evidence against them they will have cause to arrest the whole bunch just for their being members of the group that have knowledge of illegal behavior.
Speculation of course, but so is assuming that they are totally innocent victims.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:21 pm
by John D
free thoughtpolice wrote:
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
Its white supremacist members claim they will not start the war, but they are arming themselves in preparation. ... f877977340
Hell's Angel's members also say they have nothing to do with crime, they are just motorcycle enthusiasts.
The dude that threatened to kill his (ex)friend that I mentioned a few posts up didn't get charged with a crime either. They took away his guns for a cooling off period and for better or worse he got back with his wife. They may have saved him from doing a big fuckup.
Judging by the activities of Atomwaffen that is coming to light, such as 5 murders coming from some of their members it wouldn't surprise me if the FBI isn't actively investigating them in order to get them a RICO or a terrorist designation and that is why they had such a detailed proposal to the judge that approved the warrant for the seizure. If they can get enough evidence against them they will have cause to arrest the whole bunch just for their being members of the group that have knowledge of illegal behavior.
Speculation of course, but so is assuming that they are totally innocent victims.
You make a lot of good points.

I just have a fear that these red fag laws will go way to far. I guess I suspect that many places like Washington state, DC, etc... will take it too far. Then perhaps we will reassert our rights and fix the errors. Hmmmm.....

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:24 pm
by John D

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 3:54 pm
by free thoughtpolice
Regarding what I consider military style rifles:
Many semi automatic rifles are easily converted to fully automatic with few tools and a tiny amount of gunsmithing experience, not to mention with bumpstocks, which if I'm not wrong were present in the photo of his gun seizure.
Most of the guns seized were originally designed as military weapons modified to be semi-automatic. They are also manufactured to accept high capacity magazines. The short barrels, pistol grip, extreme light weight, short stocks are designed for military and mayhem. Not sniping at a deer from a hundred plus yards or varmint control, or dropping a pheasant at 20 yards. Or
I've hunted deer with a "sporterized" 303 that was a military sniper rifle in WW1 . They took off the bayonet and mounts and changed the feed.
Also bolt action, so not similar to the semi/auto rifles. Dependable and accurate at range for a clean, humane kill. Not like these dusters that are more adaptive to short range rapid fire.
There is a gray line, but let's not get too coy.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:02 pm
by Matt Cavanaugh
Service Dog wrote: I worked another corporate/feminist event this week.

Despite the lack of license plumbers, there was avid interest in plumbing.
The men's room door was vinyl'd-over with this:
Also, based on the icon, the restroom for people who shit through hula hoops.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:14 pm
by John D
free thoughtpolice wrote: Regarding what I consider military style rifles:
Many semi automatic rifles are easily converted to fully automatic with few tools and a tiny amount of gunsmithing experience, not to mention with bumpstocks, which if I'm not wrong were present in the photo of his gun seizure.
Most of the guns seized were originally designed as military weapons modified to be semi-automatic. They are also manufactured to accept high capacity magazines. The short barrels, pistol grip, extreme light weight, short stocks are designed for military and mayhem. Not sniping at a deer from a hundred plus yards or varmint control, or dropping a pheasant at 20 yards. Or
I've hunted deer with a "sporterized" 303 that was a military sniper rifle in WW1 . They took off the bayonet and mounts and changed the feed.
Also bolt action, so not similar to the semi/auto rifles. Dependable and accurate at range for a clean, humane kill. Not like these dusters that are more adaptive to short range rapid fire.
There is a gray line, but let's not get too coy.
I just bought a Glock for home defense. I can make a fist sized pattern at 15 feet.... and the spread is much bigger at 25 feet.... but the fucker next to me at the range with an AK had a fist sized pattern at 30 feet. Pretty good weapon for home defense if you ask me.

Who cares where a weapon came from. Browning figured out how to make double action semi-auto pistols.... smart dood. This was over a centruy ago. Are you gonna say that almost all pistols in America are military weapons because they are somehow fashioned after a 1911? It is just a dumb argument.

What does it take for legitimate home defense? 1) I weapon that can easily hit the target. 2) A weapon that can injure the bad guy enough to stop them. Semi-auto rifles like the AK are pretty good at this. Better than my Glock pistol.

Youall people who don't like guns think that home defense is not a legit reason to have a weapon. Well... that is not my thinking. Defense is partly what the 2nd amendment was about.... it's about the ability to defend yourself.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:20 pm
by Matt Cavanaugh
free thoughtpolice wrote:
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
Its white supremacist members claim they will not start the war, but they are arming themselves in preparation. ... f877977340
Judging by the activities of Atomwaffen that is coming to light, such as 5 murders coming from some of their members it wouldn't surprise me if the FBI isn't actively investigating them in order to get them a RICO or a terrorist designation and that is why they had such a detailed proposal to the judge that approved the warrant for the seizure. If they can get enough evidence against them they will have cause to arrest the whole bunch just for their being members of the group that have knowledge of illegal behavior.
Speculation of course, but so is assuming that they are totally innocent victims.
So again, they confiscated his guns not because he'd committed a crime, but because they feared he might. For exercising his 1st Amendment rights but committing no crime, the government violated his 2nd, 5th, and 6th Amendment rights, while deftly dodging the 7th by relying on the local police. Kudus, though, for pulling a warrant to satisfy the 4th.

If you don't see a dangerous slippery slope here, but instead think it's justified cuz: innocent until proven guilty -- unless you're a scumbag, I give up.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:45 pm
by free thoughtpolice
I'm a scumbag I guess.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:59 pm
by katamari Damassi
Service Dog wrote: I worked another corporate/feminist event this week.
This one funded by a major credit card company.
It was allegedly a serious business event, about small-business-sector entrepeneurship & financing.
There were several kiosks, representing women's business start ups. One sold $45 showercaps. Another, jewelry.
An floral-stylist. Saucy black-power lady-power slogans printed on t-shirts ("I don't want a seat, I want the whole table!").
Little jars of fragrance oils. Same with the panelists onstage: no plumbing female contractors or medical hardware manufacturers or anything which will last 5 years. The founder of BirchBox spoke... for a monthly subscription fee, her company sends you a mystery box of cosmetics samples.

Despite the lack of license plumbers, there was avid interest in plumbing.
The men's room door was vinyl'd-over with this:

The sink got a white-noise emitter to conceal ladyfarts & a bowl of tampons & a new affirmation decal on the mirror:

The urinals became this:

The event took-over the entire 6th & 1st floors of a building. By eliminating the urinals & eliminating the men's room, the women forced themselves to stand-behind men in line, waiting to all use the same stalls. There was a Whites Only Women Only bathroom on the ground floor, and single toilet "unisex" bathroom, but that required waiting in line for a small, slow elevator; to then get in line for that toilet.

The whole place was decorated in pale pink, flowers flowers flowers, and empty slogans on the walls, like "CEO,000,000"
A spin-off of Johnnie Walker was served, branded as "Janie Walker".

One of the panelists used the phrases 'second round of venture funding' and 'founder pay'. The moderator noted that those were terms which not-every-woman would know. Where did she learn about those crucial things. She replied that she and her co-founder-- had 'asked our dads'. I thought maybe the dads should be the ones on the panel, then.

The event ended. And men showed up to take-apart the walls & lights & electric cables & rental furniture. The florists were almost-all women. The sound crew and production managers were mixed male&female. The officejob supervisors were predominately female or gay guys.

As I bicycled home, I listened to Joe Rogan talking to another comedian about fake-professional comedians who hang-around backstage at L.A.'s Comedy Store. The opened for somebody famous once, or kinda-did comedy at some point... but they've got nothing really going-on. They're there for the drinks & to hang-around real pros & sometimes they awkwardly interject themselves in a conversation between actual pros talking-shop. "It's weird", said Joe. "Imagine if there was a place where CEOs gathered to talk... but there were all these Fake CEOs hanging-around, pretending to be a part of it." I didn't have to imagine.
So did you piss in the flowers? I would have.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:18 pm
by Brive1987
Four more years eh?

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:37 pm
by KiwiInOz
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
free thoughtpolice wrote: ... gton-state
The group has been advocating for race war as well as training and planning for it apparently.
Cole was not charged with any crimes at the time.
Nuf ced.
You know who else wasn't charged?


Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 9:15 pm
by MarcusAu
katamari Damassi wrote: So did you piss in the flowers? I would have.
It would seem to be a good time to get out of the NYC Art Event Community / Industry before the coming ideological escalation or purge.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2019 9:40 pm
by KiwiInOz
MarcusAu wrote:
katamari Damassi wrote: So did you piss in the flowers? I would have.
It would seem to be a good time to get out of the NYC Art Event Community / Industry before the coming ideological escalation or purge.

It'll go down in history as The Great Emasculation.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:24 am
by Bhurzum
John D wrote: I can make a fist sized pattern at 15 feet.... and the spread is much bigger at 25 feet
"Subtension is a distant concern." - Bhurzum


Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:11 am
by ConcentratedH2O, OM
KiwiInOz wrote:
MarcusAu wrote:
katamari Damassi wrote: So did you piss in the flowers? I would have.
It would seem to be a good time to get out of the NYC Art Event Community / Industry before the coming ideological escalation or purge.

It'll go down in history as The Great Emasculation.
No Young Cocks

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:20 am
by Hunt
Bhurzum wrote: Subtension
This is about shooting a gun right?

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:55 am
by Service Dog
katamari Damassi wrote:
So did you piss in the flowers? I would have.
"People with Periods", "People with Vaginas"... the TERF cunts are lucky they didn't get protest-sprayed by girlcocks!

I went outside, ducked-thru a hole in a chainlink fence, & pissed on the back of the building. Urinals are a first world problem.

The best part of my piss-hike, was seeing the line of attendees wrapping around the building & down the block.

The line had to squeeze against the building to pass the Men At Work with a tractor-mounted jackhammer, a backhoe attachment,
and a dump-truck-- noisily tearing a big hole in the ground, right-next to the sidewalk.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:13 am
by BoxNDox
AndrewV69 wrote:
Eli Herschel Wallach as a Mexican gangster. Of course Wallach also played the Italian truck driver in the original production of The Rose Tattoo.

Cultural appropriation at its finest.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 6:55 am
by Matt Cavanaugh
KiwiInOz wrote: You know who else wasn't charged?


Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 7:09 am
by Matt Cavanaugh
free thoughtpolice wrote: I'm a scumbag I guess.
Clearly, the scumbag I referenced was the neo-nazi, Cole.

And again, Cole was stripped of his Constitutional rights, without due process, simply for making statements which, however odious, were protected. That is an incredibly dangerous precedent, as is punishing someone for crimes the state fears they might commit in the future.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:14 am
by Bhurzum
Hunt wrote:
Bhurzum wrote: Subtension
This is about shooting a gun right?
Sorry, I thought we were talking about crew stress on U-boats.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:28 am
by Bhurzum

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 9:41 am
by Pitchguest
Bhurzum wrote:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Clearly he wanted a fairer competition.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 10:44 am
by MarcusAu
Bhurzum wrote:
Hunt wrote:
Bhurzum wrote: Subtension
This is about shooting a gun right?
Sorry, I thought we were talking about crew stress on U-boats.
You deserve 'das boot' for that one.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 11:15 am
by MarcusAu
So apparently Scorsese and Coppola don't much like the Marvel movies...

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:15 pm
by Matt Cavanaugh
Bhurzum wrote:
Hunt wrote:
Bhurzum wrote: Subtension
This is about shooting a gun right?
Sorry, I thought we were talking about crew stress on U-boats.
Stress? U boot service was a lark.
(526.9 KiB) Downloaded 286 times

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 1:52 pm
by Bhurzum
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
Tue Oct 22, 2019 12:15 pm
Bhurzum wrote:
Hunt wrote:
Bhurzum wrote: Subtension
This is about shooting a gun right?
Sorry, I thought we were talking about crew stress on U-boats.
Stress? U boot service was a lark.

...and cheesy techno music.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2019 2:46 pm
by Bhurzum
How you like THEM apples, freak?

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:35 am
by Brive1987
RedIce have had their backup YouTube channel nixed as well.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 12:57 am
by MarcusAu
Brive1987 wrote: RedIce have had their backup YouTube channel nixed as well.
Obviously alternative sources are available - you can probably find 'The Daily Shoah' in the same places - so that could save on time.

I heard that Jim Goad is an upcoming guest for Red Ice - so at least there is that to look forward to.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:32 am
by Brive1987
MarcusAu wrote:
Brive1987 wrote: RedIce have had their backup YouTube channel nixed as well.
Obviously alternative sources are available - you can probably find 'The Daily Shoah' in the same places - so that could save on time.

I heard that Jim Goad is an upcoming guest for Red Ice - so at least there is that to look forward to.
Oh Bitchute and .com are always there. Such as they are.

I’m more interested in the intersection of the illiberal left and woke social media.
And the irony.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:29 am
by Bhurzum
UK bloke records dude offering "sexual favours for make-overs" in a public toilet.


Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 7:49 am
by Matt Cavanaugh
Addiction and decriminalization fuel a West Coast shoplifting boom.

Since 2010, thefts increased by 22 percent in Portland, 50 percent in San Francisco, and 61 percent in Los Angeles. In total, California, Oregon, and Washington reported 864,326 thefts to the FBI last year. The real figure is likely much higher, as many retailers have stopped reporting most shoplifting incidents to police.

Drug addiction is driving this shoplifting boom. In recent years, West Coast cities have witnessed an explosion in addiction rates for heroin, fentanyl, and meth; property crime helps feed the habit. According to federal data, adults with substance-abuse disorders make up just 2.6 percent of the total population but 72 percent of all jail inmates sentenced for property crimes. Addicts are 29 times more likely to commit property crimes than the average American.

California's Proposition 47, approved by nearly 60 percent of voters statewide in 2014, reclassified many drug and property felonies as misdemeanors, effectively decriminalizing thefts of $1,000 or less.  Many criminals now believe, justifiably, that they can steal with impunity.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:22 am
by Driftless
Latest at WEIT: ... goes-woke/

The comments start out agreeing and then turn into complaining about how annoying the "anti-woke" crowd is.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:46 am
by MarcusAu
Brive1987 wrote: Oh Bitchute and .com are always there. Such as they are.

I’m more interested in the intersection of the illiberal left and woke social media.
And the irony.
I guess I'm more interested in the content produced - though I'll be principled to the extent of not reporting them to the media conglomerate that made their channel possible.

My faith in corporations (be they liberal, illiberal, or conservative) was never that great to begin with. cf the recent comments by NBA employees re Hong Kong as to where (and in what context) it pays to be woke or non-woke.

Perhaps it's just my bias - but although I care about peoples rights in the abstract sense - there are some people that I care about more than others.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:55 am
by Matt Cavanaugh
Driftless wrote: Latest at WEIT: ... goes-woke/

The comments start out agreeing and then turn into complaining about how annoying the "anti-woke" crowd is.
That place has really gone into the shitter ever since I was banned. With no one to smack the SJWs about, they get away with saying the most outlandish things.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:56 am
by Driftless
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
Driftless wrote: Latest at WEIT: ... goes-woke/

The comments start out agreeing and then turn into complaining about how annoying the "anti-woke" crowd is.
That place has really gone into the shitter ever since I was banned. With no one to smack the SJWs about, they get away with saying the most outlandish things.
Somehow they think they are not in the demographic of the people targeted by the woke. Looking at the "Readers Photos" series seems to contradict that. I suppose they think they are the good ones and won't be attacked when their time comes.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:07 pm
by free thoughtpolice
"Jessica" Yaniv of the wax my balls or I will take yo to court lost her case and has to pay the people she was harrassing. :P ... -1.5330807

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 2:40 pm
by Keating
I can't believe how bad the transphobia is in Canada.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 4:00 pm
by Stankeye
Keating wrote: I can't believe how bad the transphobia is in Canada.
Probably Peterson's fault.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 4:30 pm
by John D
Matt Cavanaugh wrote: Addiction and decriminalization fuel a West Coast shoplifting boom.

Since 2010, thefts increased by 22 percent in Portland, 50 percent in San Francisco, and 61 percent in Los Angeles. In total, California, Oregon, and Washington reported 864,326 thefts to the FBI last year. The real figure is likely much higher, as many retailers have stopped reporting most shoplifting incidents to police.

Drug addiction is driving this shoplifting boom. In recent years, West Coast cities have witnessed an explosion in addiction rates for heroin, fentanyl, and meth; property crime helps feed the habit. According to federal data, adults with substance-abuse disorders make up just 2.6 percent of the total population but 72 percent of all jail inmates sentenced for property crimes. Addicts are 29 times more likely to commit property crimes than the average American.

California's Proposition 47, approved by nearly 60 percent of voters statewide in 2014, reclassified many drug and property felonies as misdemeanors, effectively decriminalizing thefts of $1,000 or less. Many criminals now believe, justifiably, that they can steal with impunity.
Lefty says: "It is not the shoplifter's fault for what they are doing.... they are a bigger victim than the property owner." Haha. Good luck with that. The left thinks that the only virtue is compassion. They always forget about duty, and honesty, and hard work, and self reliance.

My ex-brother-in-law had a crack habit so he would break into the home of his daughter and ex-wife and steal their shit for drugs. He would steal from his own daughter's home because they wouldn't call the cops on him. People are really pretty horrible.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 4:58 pm
by Bhurzum
free thoughtpolice wrote: "Jessica" Yaniv of the wax my balls or I will take yo to court lost her case and has to pay the people she was harrassing. :P ... -1.5330807
"she" ... r-Set?$pdp$

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:06 pm
by Bhurzum
Just watched the first episode of Watchmen Wokema'am - it's utter garbage. Here is a handy data-burst version of the entire script so you don't need to endure the fucking thing.

"White men are evil!"

Seriously, that's all there is to it.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:13 pm
by Matt Cavanaugh
John D wrote: Lefty says: "It is not the shoplifter's fault for what they are doing.... they are a bigger victim than the property owner." Haha. Good luck with that. The left thinks that the only virtue is compassion. They always forget about duty, and honesty, and hard work, and self reliance.

My ex-brother-in-law had a crack habit so he would break into the home of his daughter and ex-wife and steal their shit for drugs. He would steal from his own daughter's home because they wouldn't call the cops on him. People are really pretty horrible.
Well, if Clayton* the tweaker comes back to rob my shed again, he'll discover I've moved it 1/4 mile further in on the ranch. And if he or his ilk ever comes near my house or the barn, I'll blow his worthless face off.

* yes, I know his full name cuz the fucking idiot left identification at the scene of the crime, which is how I helped the Sheriff catch him.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 6:21 pm
by AndrewV69
BTW people. I keep meaning to mention PZWatch

For those of you who do not do Twatter:

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 7:22 pm
by free thoughtpolice
Bhurzum wrote:
free thoughtpolice wrote: "Jessica" Yaniv of the wax my balls or I will take yo to court lost her case and has to pay the people she was harrassing. :P ... -1.5330807
You're right . Their proper pronouns should be its and yikes. and...

"she" ... r-Set?$pdp$

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:21 pm
by Lsuoma
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
Driftless wrote: Latest at WEIT: ... goes-woke/

The comments start out agreeing and then turn into complaining about how annoying the "anti-woke" crowd is.
That place has really gone into the shitter ever since I was banned. With no one to smack the SJWs about, they get away with saying the most outlandish things.
Yep, and Coyne is playing twee little linguistic games, not least using UKisms because he thinks they're smart. Typisch Juden...

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:39 pm
by MarcusAu
AndrewV69 wrote: BTW people. I keep meaning to mention PZWatch

For those of you who do not do Twatter:
Jerry Seinfeld wrote: Who are these people?
At some point the level of PZ's obscurity and or relevance must be judged to have reached it's peak, or perhaps nadir.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 10:52 pm
by fuzzy
Service Dog wrote:
Fri Oct 18, 2019 4:05 pm
fuzzy wrote: I mentioned I would/did have a hearing this week, and I did, and the state handed me more of the same: not yet done instigating investigating.
Hang in there. The clock is on your side. Make sure the time that's passing counts-toward your Right To A Speedy Trial. In my case, the prosecution was able to waste an extra month... honestly, I've forgotten the details... but it had to do with telling the court they were 'ready' or 'not ready' to proceed with the case. Those words start or stop the clock. Eventually they did let the clock run out, so the charges evaporated.
Yeah when this first started happening I learned all about that, the sixth amendment of the Constitution guarantees a speedy trial which is interpreted by most states as one year between arrest or indictment and the trial itself. However it excludes request by the defense for more time. At present I am like a year-and-a-half into the thing with about nine months charged to each side. Both (yes both) judges involved were former prosecutors, so a continuance is usually accompanied by a phrase something like " this time is excluded for speedy trial purposes". Why is my side accepting this delay during investigation? Well maybe because they're investigating not me but the person or people who created the mean-spirited sock-puppet of fuzzy on facebooque? my own threat to pay for a private investigation if necessary is also a factor; they know they can't just float this thing by without doing a real investigation, because if they give me a fake investigation they are on notice that I'll just follow it up with a real one. Color me lucky enough to make that credible threat, but voila an inexpensive though slow solution to my problem.

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:02 pm
by fuzzy
Also I have a totally excellent lawyer I hired working very inexpensively by any standards a slymepitter could possibly imagine. did you know a pz aged person could start collecting his social security early at pizzi's age?

Re: You is all a bunch of poofs!

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:04 pm
by fuzzy
Oh my god did I just assume the gender of pz Myers?