Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by shoutinghorse »

MarcusAu wrote:
Kirbmarc wrote:
Skits like this should be done about islam and Mohammed. On network TV. In prime time. :lol:
There was the 'Four Lions' movie

and here's a reaction movie to the BBC 'Real Housewives of Isis' sketch.


Even if real offense is caused - people need to learn to not to react violently or call for the censorship of other viewpoints.

He asks people to leave comments and then asks for "positive comments guys" then disables comments. Doesn't take Einstein to work that one out :lol:

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

Marxist Martin sez it's time to start punching nazis/stage a violent revolution: ... necessary/


Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Guest_440911e7 »

Here's today's SocJus idiocy. It's taking place at The Evergreen State College
"Evergreen is a progressive, public liberal arts and sciences college located in Olympia, Washington, in the beautiful Pacific Northwest"

It's basically Yale and Christakis redux.
I haven't seen the original email but from Professor Weinstein's letter, it *seems* to be suggesting that (white??) faculty stay off campus??

There's a facebook video here that shows more, including a horrible statement by the Professor that students of color are not targeted at Evergreen. Many of his crimes are shown, including asking "Would you like to hear the answer or not?" Which was properly responded with "No!"

facebook com/blakub/videos/10212714974211358/

Somehow I got here, but I can't retrace those steps:

afropunk com/profiles/blogs/urgent-olympia-wa-students-reportedly-attacked-by-police-for

At Evergreen State College, a Day Of Absence was supposed to be an intentional day of caucusing to discuss intersectional issues organized by the school’s Director First Peoples Multicultural Advising Services, Rashida N. Love. A normal practice on campus for students, teachers, and staff of color, Love sent a detailed email to staff and faculty alerting them of the upcoming event, its intentions, and sign-up information for those choosing to participate.

This year, the day-long event planned to discuss racism, equity, and inclusion and was set to take place on campus. But in response to her email, professor Bret Weinstein caught up in hurt white feelings and entitlement, believed the event to be a way to marginalize and silence white opinions instead.

In his email (pictured below), Weinstein chided that people needed to "put phenotype aside" and that "on a college campus, one’s right to speak--or to be--must never be based on skin color."

Continuing, Weinstein wrote: "If there was interest in a public presentation and discussion of race through a scientific / evolutionary lens, I would be quite willing to organize such an event.” He believes that his experiences as a scientist qualifies him to be able speak on scientific matters and that people who experience racism their entire lives are not more qualified to speak about racism than someone who doesn't
In a continued chain of email exchanges with other faculty members essentially calling him out, Weinstein tried to justify is anti-black attitude and, frankly, denials of race-based issues faced by POC in general, by detailing his European Jewish roots: "Many will recognize Weinstein as a German/Jewish name. My ancestors were all European Jews, primarily from Russia, Poland, and Ukraine. European Jews like my ancestors have faced repeated waves of anti-Semitic persecution stretching back at least as far as the 3rd century B.C.E. The most recent wave was at its height a mere 25 years before my birth. The Nazis were then at the peak of their “final solution to the Jewish question."

All of this in response to and used as justification for refusing to acknowledge the roles race (which he puts between quotes throughout) plays in the experiences of people who aren’t Jewish.

The email exchanges became public to the student body and prompted the Day Of Absence to become focused on Weinstein, anti-blackness in the classroom and student safety in that environment.

The students protesting at Evergreen State College reached out to AFROPUNK and their accounts of the incident were presented in a release prepared by Clarissa Magdich and Halla Warner. They provided the copy of the email shown above.

During the protest, Weinstein was confronted by the students and held accountable for his actions. Students describe “peppering” him with questions, but according to Twitter videos, tried to take turns providing insight and giving Weinstein opportunities to understand. Visibly frustrated, but unwilling to concede his racist position, Weinstein opted to call the police on the peaceful crowd, saying he was “cornered” by the group. Never mind that this was, essentially, a school sponsored day of actions and the fact that the contents of Weinstein’s emails were in fact pretty racist at worse, and contemptuous of POC at best.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by shoutinghorse »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:Marxist Martin sez it's time to start punching nazis/stage a violent revolution: ... necessary/
Hey there's nothing wrong with 'Punching Nazis', especially if you can make a bit of coin out of it right?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Spike13 »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:Marxist Martin sez it's time to start punching nazis/stage a violent revolution: ... necessary/
Replace Nazi with radical Islam and I wonder how well that would play.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Lsuoma »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:Marxist Martin sez it's time to start punching nazis/stage a violent revolution: ... necessary/
Dafuq? Guy can't math or civic...
I mean…Hitler was in office for 12 years, or three Trump terms (as of this writing, we’re almost — but not quite — a third of the way through Trump’s first, and already our country has drastically changed) before finally committing suicide.

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

free thoughtpolice wrote:
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
Kirbmarc wrote: a buffoonish, bumbling muslim who ... unknowingly drinks wine or eats pork and then sits in a bathroom crying for hours. Or the equivalents thereof in other programs.
Just wondering -- if a devout moslem unwittingly eats haram food, how does he wipe his ass in a halal fashion once the haram poop comes out?
If it's any more complicated than dealing with halal poop or pee then I can understand why muslims avoid haram food and liquor so carefully.
Any impurity should be washed or wiped three times or an odd number of times greater than three, according to whatever is needed to cleanse it, because ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to wash his posterior three times. Ibn ‘Umar said: “We did this too and found it to be healing and cleansing.” (Reported by Ibn Maajah, 350; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 4993). Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When anyone of you cleans himself (with stones or similar material) let him use an odd number.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad; classed as hasan in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 375).

He should not use bones or dung to clean himself or wipe away the impurity, rather, he should use tissue, stones, and the like. Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that he used to carry a vessel for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to do wudoo’ and clean himself after answering the call of nature. Whilst he was following him, he (the Prophet) asked, “Who is that?” He said: “I am Abu Hurayrah.” He said: “Get me some stones I can use to clean myself, but do not bring me any bones or dung.” So I brought him some stones, carrying them in the hem of my garment, and placed them by his side, then I went away. When he had finished, I came back and asked him, “What is wrong with bones and dung?” He said: “They are the food of the jinn.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 3571).
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (300.3)

A. Presence of obsessions, compulsions, or both:

Obsessions are defined by (1) and (2):

1. Recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or impulses that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and unwanted, and that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress.

2.The individual attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, urges, or images, or to neutralize them with some other thought or action (i.e., by performing a compulsion).

Compulsions are defined by (1) and (2):

1. Repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (e.g., praying, counting, repeating words silently) that the individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly.

2.The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing anxiety or distress, or preventing some dreaded event or situation; however, these behaviors or mental acts are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent, or are clearly excessive.

Note: Young children may not be able to articulate the aims of these behaviors or mental acts.

B. The obsessions or compulsions are time-consuming (e.g., take more than 1 hour per day) or cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

C. The obsessive-compulsive symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or another medical condition.

D. The disturbance is not better explained by the symptoms of another mental disorder (e.g., excessive worries, as in generalized anxiety disorder; preoccupation with appearance, as in body dysmorphic disorder; difficulty discarding or parting with possessions, as in hoarding disorder; hair pulling, as in trichotillomania [hair-pulling disorder]; skin picking, as in excoriation [skin-picking] disorder; stereotypies, as in stereotypic movement disorder; ritualized eating behavior, as in eating disorders; preoccupation with substances or gambling, as in substance-related and addictive disorders; preoccupation with having an illness, as in illness anxiety disorder; sexual urges or fantasies, as in paraphilic disorders; impulses, as in disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders; guilty ruminations, as in major depressive disorder; thought insertion or delusional preoccupations, as in schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders; or repetitive patterns of behavior, as in autism spectrum disorder).

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Kirbmarc »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:Marxist Martin sez it's time to start punching nazis/stage a violent revolution: ... necessary/
But remember this…before the Hitler of the gas chambers became a meme, he was just a man. Before the Nazis became infamous, they were just a political party. You couldn’t point to them and say, “They’re just as bad as Hitler,” for example. There wasn’t really a way to figure out what was going on. And everything they did — everything — was legal in their country.
We tend to think that we would have seen what was happening and stopped it. Would we have, though? I mean…Hitler was in office for 12 years, or three Trump terms (as of this writing, we’re almost — but not quite — a third of the way through Trump’s first, and already our country has drastically changed) before finally committing suicide. When would we have stopped? When would you have punched a Nazi? When Hitler was making nationalistic speeches? When the government demonized Jews like the far right demonizes Muslims? When the movies and the media put on a propaganda campaign that would have put Milo to shame? When the “lying press” was getting shut down? Would you really have spoken up by the time Auschwitz was set up, 7 years in, after being primed to hate that much? Really? Or would you be like the millions who didn’t even put the pieces together to know their were gas chambers and stop what was going on?
Yadda yadda yadda, "our country has drastically changed", yadda yadda yadda, Trump is Hitler, yadda yadda yadda, "muslims are just like the jews", yadda yadda yadda, Milo is a Nazi, etc. etc.
And you know what? Hitler’s speeches are STILL popular on YouTube. They’re STILL popular. Every one I go to, the “like” bar is high, and the comments are full of people zealously defending him. Check the “like” bar and comments here. And here. And here. And on just about every Hitler speech video on YouTube.
What good would “free speech” have done?
Also, /pol/ exists, so it's time to shut down the internet for the good of humanity.
Have you ever wondered — why do we all think Hitler was evil? How did Hitler become a meme of someone who we all agree is terrible, even Germany? Free speech alone?
No. First, and most obviously, there was a vicious and bloody war.
Then, after the war, there wasy violence and ruthless censorship. The Allies came in and they performed “denazification.” They tore down Nazi symbols. They outlawed — that’s right, OUTLAWED — all Nazi speech. On May 13, 1946, the Allies began confiscating all media that could possibly contribute to Nazism, and they banned — BANNED — 30,000 books, with millions of copies, and the mere POSSESSION of these books became a criminal act. We ripped THOUSANDS of paintings and work off walls without a second thought. Soviets even gunned many Nazis down. And then we started a strong propaganda campaign, unrelenting, against Nazis with expert opinion-makers. The Soviet Union (which, with Stalin, obviously had its own problems) outright shot several Nazis. In 1950, many of these efforts had slowed, but it is still against the law to engage in speech that strongly encourages antisemitism, join the Socialist Reich Party, or use Nazi symbols. Now, Germany is a leader in free speech, but only after the Nazis lost a lot of their influence. For a time, the zero-tolerance standard seemed necessary.
"Obviously had its own problems", yeah, nothing big, though, I'm sure.
So…this whole context gives me pause when it comes to Richard Spencer. No, this is NOT false equivalency — Richard Spencer is advocating “peaceful” genocide of other races, and believes in white supremacy. He is a Nazi. And we did not get rid of the likes of him because his views were somehow ridiculous and immature. We got rid of the likes of him through brutal, unrelenting force, the squashing of free speech, and vicious censorship. And if he remotely becomes prominent again, history says that we may have to do that again, or we will repeat history. Perhaps the time is not yet. Perhaps it is premature. But we have to choose. We have to choose whether free speech is more important than human lives.
Has Spencer, as much of a cunt as he is, killed anyone? Does he has any kind of power? He's not even running for office FFS. But hey, citing Spencer is just a good pretext to curtail speech as any.
Because the notion that we have to protect human lives is not innately logical; it’s empathetic. It’s in the realm of the heart, not just the mind. And we have to make that choice — what is more important: universal human dignity, or the freedom for people to say what they think?
We’ve already seen that the two aren’t necessarily compatible.
What do you think?
Free speech kills. :bjarte:
Now…about anti-SJWs. The anti-SJWs are full of people who want the right to say cruel things to people without any societal repercussions, even if there are repercussions for people they are cruel to. If someone gets death threats because they say something cruel to them, and they actively seem to encourage cruelty through their hundreds of followers, to the point where they silence the most vulnerable places in society…when is it time to shut them down? When does the value of human life trump their “right” to free speech? Remember, we have answered this question before…

Perhaps censorship is not necessary. Perhaps it’s too early. But now, in the age of Trump, we have to be aware that we are the ones who make history. Hitler would not be a meme if we hadn’t taken strong, strident action against him. He would have been even more intensely popular than he is, and his popularity seems, at the current moment, to be growing. How will we mold the way that people will look back on this moment tomorrow? How valuable do we decide the lives of the most vulnerable in society are?
Anti-SJWs are all Nazis and Trump is Hitler. Well, he's not sure, but just to be safe...

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Kirbmarc »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (300.3)
Islam is OCD+Mohammed's narcissism+emotional manipulation+the Madonna/Whore complex writ large. /tongue-in-cheek.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by deLurch »

John D wrote:Well... I didn't really do any math on this... but I think my proposal is just not born out by the evidence. The number of "terror" attacks is actually quite low and the causes are several... from Muslim extremists to IRS haters to psychos. Thanks for the linky!
Did this originally come up due to this person's post yesterday?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Shatterface »

Guest_440911e7 wrote:Here's today's SocJus idiocy. It's taking place at The Evergreen State College
"Evergreen is a progressive, public liberal arts and sciences college located in Olympia, Washington, in the beautiful Pacific Northwest"

It's basically Yale and Christakis redux.
Someone should email this story to Jerry Coyne. It's exactly the kind of thing he has been focusing on lately.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Brive1987 »

Hunt wrote:
Brive1987 wrote:Steersman has been off Twitter for 4 days.

He couldn't have could he? He wouldn't have would he?
Taken a break from social media?
I was thinking "false flag"

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Brive1987 »

Steers last tweet would be a fitting epitaph.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Kirbmarc »

Why do so many people believe Trump to be a fascist or nazism is beyond me. He's a con man, a flaky politician with no principles worth a damn, a kleptocrat, a whiny narcissistic pathological liar and a fan of nepotism and cronyism but he's never even expressed anything close to fascism or nazism.

He's much more similar to Berlusconi or Huey Long than to Hitler or Mussolini. He doesn't obsess about starting wars of conquest and taking back military pride, if anything he's carrying on with traditionally Republican foreign policy and even slightly scaling back military interventions. He's anti-immigration, but so was Berlusconi. He's a right-wing populist, but so was Long. He's a nationalist, but so were both. He's not obsessed with race, he's obsessed with immigration (including muslim immigration), just like Berlusconi.

Berlusconi started a party called "Forza Italia" ("Go Italy") which is basically the same as "Make America Great Again". Like Trump he was an entrepreneur with ties to the media industry, hostile to the left ("the communists have ruined Italy"), paranoid, narcissistic, lied A LOT, was married to a trophy wife, ready to "grab any pussy" in sight, buffoonish, didn't like being criticized, allied himself with various right-wing groups and didn't really care what they thought (the Alt-Right isn't much worse than the Italian Northern League, both are home to lots of racist cunts and virulently anti-immigration).

He was a terrible politician, had countless legal scandals, was incredibly nepotistic and gave favors to his cronies, was eventually removed from office and condemned for tax evasion, tried to get reporters fired for "defaming" him, and in general acted like self-aggrandizing cunt. He still didn't throw dissidents in prison, or stop the publishing of any book, or subvert the liberal democratic rule of law.

Trump hasn't done anything which Berlusconi hasn't already done twice or three times in the last twenty-three years. Arguably Berlusconi was even worse than Trump, since he changed Italian laws on false accounting not to go to jail and basically wrecked the Italian justice system (already very inefficient) just to save his ass. Trump so far hasn't done anything of the sort, he might have tried to engage in obstruction of justice but if that happened then he's at risk of impeachment.

A politician can be terrible and a right-wing populist without being a nazi or a fascist, just like a politician can be terrible and a socialist without being a marxist. I think this should be obvious to anyone, but apparently for some people politics is just black and white, socialist or fascist.

Hitler was NEVER "just a normal politician" . He may not have advocated for genocide right from the start, but he had been an authoritarian cunt just from the beginning, promoting street violence, with dozens of dead people in the fight between his party and the commies. He had tried a putsch in 1923. He had been found guilty of treason, for which for some reason I've never understood he only spent nine months in jail (does somebody know why his sentence was so lenient?). He had ordered murders. He had extraordinary power since Reichstag Fire Decree of 27 February 1933, which already nullified civil liberties.

Trump, on the other hand, has never tried to take power by force, he hasn't promoted street violence or ordered murders, he hasn't nullified any civil liberty, only tried to get an (admittedly idiotic) immigration ban and promised a wall with Mexico and to deport illegal immigrants (which is something that even Obama has done).

The only major thing that Hitler and Trump have in common is that they're both nationalists, which isn't much. Also they're both liked by Richard Spencer, which again isn't much. Spencer IS a white separatist/supremacist, so MUCH closer to nazism than Trump. He's also a fucking nobody, a twat of no importance, with no power whatsoever, who wouldn't have had as much publicity as he has if he hadn't been punched. It's not necessary to "talk with him". Just leave him alone and he and the other weirdos of his cliques will gradually fade away, lose publicity and go back to masturbate to pictures of Hitler or whatever they do in their spare time.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by John D »

deLurch wrote:
John D wrote:Well... I didn't really do any math on this... but I think my proposal is just not born out by the evidence. The number of "terror" attacks is actually quite low and the causes are several... from Muslim extremists to IRS haters to psychos. Thanks for the linky!
Did this originally come up due to this person's post yesterday?
I actually didn't watch this video.... so if I was affected by it then it was psychic or something.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Brive1987 »

A modern Nazi politician is simply a white nationalist and popularist demagogue who won't pay appropriate homage to minorities.

Hitler spent 8 mths of a five year term in goal. His mates included Ludendorff and the prison dude in charge. I don't think anyone saw merit in the farce of his cushy full privilege lockup.

Dammit. The man was a patriot after all. Even if he was Austrian.

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

Lsuoma wrote:
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:Marxist Martin sez it's time to start punching nazis/stage a violent revolution: ... necessary/
Dafuq? Guy can't math or civic...
I mean…Hitler was in office for 12 years, or three Trump terms (as of this writing, we’re almost — but not quite — a third of the way through Trump’s first, and already our country has drastically changed) before finally committing suicide.
Next he'll be talking about when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.

dog puke
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by dog puke »

feathers wrote:
Phil_Giordana_FCD wrote:
Lsuoma wrote: Well, it's likely they wanted to rape the girls more than the boys.
Ran out of goats?
Goats ran out of them.
Yeah, but they have a solution for that...
14. If a goat exits the urethra without doing istibra, drops of goat-fuck juice may come out and soil his underwear. Therefore, he should insert a cotton wick as big as a barley seed into his urinary hole, whereby he will prevent goat-fuck juice from oozing out.
Figure 14.


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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Kirbmarc »

Brive1987 wrote:
Hitler spent 8 mths of a five year term in goal. His mates included Ludendorff and the prison dude in charge. I don't think anyone saw merit in the farce of his cushy full privilege lockup.

Dammit. The man was a patriot after all. Even if he was Austrian.
Why was the justice system so lenient towards Hitler? He had tried to start a coup, you'd think that would be considered treason, which is usually punished rather severely. Was he already so personally popular in 1923 that he could get away with treason? Or was it just that the German justice system in the Weiman republic was already so wrecked that as long as you weren't a commie you could just try to coup and it was no big deal?

Because if there was a time to stop Hitler without resorting to more violence putting him in jail for, say, 20 years and barring him from any political office could have done the trick, and people have been received far worse punishment for acts of treason, even under the Weimar republic (just look at what happened to the commies who tried to set up a commie state in Bavaria).

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Brive1987 »

When you don't even have to try.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Brive1987 »

Least happy dog ever.

I'm glad ours was trusted not to self mutilate and successfully went without cone.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Oglebart »

Bit of a hoo-haa tonight over the New York Times getting their hands on forensic photos of the supposed bomb and detonator from Manchester. I always wondered about the details of these leaks, it's claimed this has come from someone in the US intelligence system. How many people would have access to these at this early stage? What sort of money would the NYT pay for them?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Karmakin »

Kirbmarc wrote:Why do so many people believe Trump to be a fascist or nazism is beyond me. He's a con man, a flaky politician with no principles worth a damn, a kleptocrat, a whiny narcissistic pathological liar and a fan of nepotism and cronyism but he's never even expressed anything close to fascism or nazism.
I agree with everything you said, but I do have a big caveat.

What would say...a Mark Cuban presidency look like? How about even a Jon Stewart presidency?

The more things develop, the less I think it's Trump being Trump (although I have plenty of criticisms there), but it's having an outsider at the helm.

Billie from Ockham
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Billie from Ockham »

Oglebart wrote:Bit of a hoo-haa tonight over the New York Times getting their hands on forensic photos of the supposed bomb and detonator from Manchester. I always wondered about the details of these leaks, it's claimed this has come from someone in the US intelligence system. How many people would have access to these at this early stage? What sort of money would the NYT pay for them?
I took this as a sign that the war between the CIA and White House is still raging. My guess is that someone from the fromer leaked it (for free) to embarrass the latter.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by deLurch »

John D wrote:I actually didn't watch this video.... so if I was affected by it then it was psychic or something.
Well watch it since it is dead on the subject you were asking about, and Tim Pool is pretty good and fairly honest, including admitting what he doesn't know.

free thoughtpolice
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by free thoughtpolice »

Karmakin wrote:
Kirbmarc wrote:Why do so many people believe Trump to be a fascist or nazism is beyond me. He's a con man, a flaky politician with no principles worth a damn, a kleptocrat, a whiny narcissistic pathological liar and a fan of nepotism and cronyism but he's never even expressed anything close to fascism or nazism.
I agree with everything you said, but I do have a big caveat.

What would say...a Mark Cuban presidency look like? How about even a Jon Stewart presidency?

The more things develop, the less I think it's Trump being Trump (although I have plenty of criticisms there), but it's having an outsider at the helm.
I think having political experience is definitely helpful but it's made worse by Trump not having the right sort of personality for the job or the competence.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Oglebart »

Billie from Ockham wrote:
Oglebart wrote:Bit of a hoo-haa tonight over the New York Times getting their hands on forensic photos of the supposed bomb and detonator from Manchester. I always wondered about the details of these leaks, it's claimed this has come from someone in the US intelligence system. How many people would have access to these at this early stage? What sort of money would the NYT pay for them?
I took this as a sign that the war between the CIA and White House is still raging. My guess is that someone from the fromer leaked it (for free) to embarrass the latter.
Sure, I was attributing it to greed, it could just as easily be spite!

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

Kirbmarc wrote:[

Why was the justice system so lenient towards Hitler? He had tried to start a coup, you'd think that would be considered treason, which is usually punished rather severely. Was he already so personally popular in 1923 that he could get away with treason? Or was it just that the German justice system in the Weiman republic was already so wrecked that as long as you weren't a commie you could just try to coup and it was no big deal?

Because if there was a time to stop Hitler without resorting to more violence putting him in jail for, say, 20 years and barring him from any political office could have done the trick, and people have been received far worse punishment for acts of treason, even under the Weimar republic (just look at what happened to the commies who tried to set up a commie state in Bavaria).
1) It was Bavaria, the Alabama of Germany;
2) They went easy on Ludendorff, part of the putsch attempt. He was a national war hero, believed to have masterminded the successes in the East, despite Ludendorff being a complete blockhead with Hoffman the brains behind it all.

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

Karmakin wrote: The more things develop, the less I think it's Trump being Trump (although I have plenty of criticisms there), but it's having an outsider at the helm.
Outsiders always have trouble negotiating the ropes. But trump is a complete psychotic who's failed at everything in life except not completely blowing all his daddy's money.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Karmakin »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
Karmakin wrote: The more things develop, the less I think it's Trump being Trump (although I have plenty of criticisms there), but it's having an outsider at the helm.
Outsiders always have trouble negotiating the ropes. But trump is a complete psychotic who's failed at everything in life except not completely blowing all his daddy's money.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you 100%. I'm just having a hard time separating out what's Trump from what's being a n00b.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Karmakin »

I'm also having a hard time filtering out what's actually different or new with Trump, and what's always gone on, and we just never known because most presidents are competent at messaging and obscuring.

free thoughtpolice
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by free thoughtpolice »

Do you know who the real terrorists are?
Wrong. It's car drivers. ... ds-to-end/


Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Guest_440911e7 »

Oglebart wrote:
Bit of a hoo-haa tonight over the New York Times getting their hands on forensic photos of the supposed bomb and detonator from Manchester. I always wondered about the details of these leaks, it's claimed this has come from someone in the US intelligence system. How many people would have access to these at this early stage? What sort of money would the NYT pay for them?
The claim seems to be it was the Trump Administration!

jonathanturley org/2017/05/24/trump-administration-accused-of-leaking-british-intelligence-on-manchester-investigation/
Trump Administration Accused Of Leaking British Intelligence On Manchester Investigation

This week President Donald Trump again made headlines in denying that he ever mentioned Israel in his giving highly sensitive intelligence to the Russians. (The problem is that no one suggested that he had and the later statement appeared to reaffirm to the world that Israel was the source of the human intelligence from a spy inside ISIS. News accounts suggested that Israel might have been the source but no one suggested that Trump said it was Israel to the Russians). Now the Trump Administration is accused of leaking British intelligence to U.S. media in the aftermath of the massacre in Manchester. The British were reportedly irate and made a formal complaint over the violation of core protocols and protections for intelligence sharing. This is a very serious complaint and further undermines the core relationships that we rely on in the sharing of national security information. It should result in an immediate congressional investigation to determine what happened.

The media reported on the details of the massacre in the United States before the media of the United Kingdom were informed of the nature of the attack and other details. Regardless of whether the U.S. officials deemed the information worthy of protection, it was information shared by an ally under strict protections. For example, releasing the name of the terrorist could be a huge breach when you are trying to round up witnesses and suspects. Even though the culprits know the name, they may not be sure that he has been identified. The British for example believe that the bomb maker is still at large.

The British Home Secretary Amber Rudd has objected to the breach and demanded assurances that it “should not happen again.” It is incredibly embarrassing for the American intelligence community and the country as a whole. The loss of professionalism in the handling of shared intelligence is a threat to our national security efforts. It is extremely rare to have a close ally file such an objection over our violation of security agreements and leaking of such information. It is not enough to claim that “it was really not all that sensitive.” These intelligence sharing agreements are the heart of our collective national security system. It is based on the understanding that the receiving country does not make such unilateral decisions in the release of information. If you are serious about fighting terrorism, you need to be serious about these agreements.

free thoughtpolice
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by free thoughtpolice »

The claim seems to be it was the Trump Administration!
The claim is correct. The FBI, DOJ, and other letters are administered by the Trump White House. It's not like they said Trump himself ordered the leak, just that someone in his administration did it.

Billie from Ockham
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Billie from Ockham »

free thoughtpolice wrote:
The claim seems to be it was the Trump Administration!
The claim is correct. The FBI, DOJ, and other letters are administered by the Trump White House. It's not like they said Trump himself ordered the leak, just that someone in his administration did it.
I am so proud of myself at this moment. Instead of immediately writing almost exactly what FTP wrote, I actually checked to the end of the page to avoid the subsequent mea culpa :nin: .

I think I'll celebrate by raping a cyclist. After all, have you seen what they wear? Obviously asking for it.

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

Karmakin wrote:I'm also having a hard time filtering out what's actually different or new with Trump, and what's always gone on, and we just never known because most presidents are competent at messaging and obscuring.
Hillary questioned whether Barry would be able to take that 3 am call. The Donald is proving he can snort all night and make 3 am tweets.


Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Guest_440911e7 »

The claim is correct. The FBI, DOJ, and other letters are administered by the Trump White House. It's not like they said Trump himself ordered the leak, just that someone in his administration did it.
Hmm. Possibly.

I don't think it's reasonable to say that any executive branch position (USGS for instance) is part of the Trump Administration. Their cabinet members would be.

Attorney General, Director of National Intelligence, Head of the CIA, people that the President appoints into his cabinet (and their immediate staff in some circumstances), I think that's the common understanding of the President's Administration, but wiki does suggest it is the entire Executive Branch.

Turley clearly seems to be chiding Trump and his cohort.

But I could easily be wrong.

Billie from Ockham
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Billie from Ockham »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:Hillary questioned whether Barry would be able to take that 3 am call.
Remind me again what time it was in DC when Benghazi happened.... And who took that particular call?

free thoughtpolice
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by free thoughtpolice »

Billie from Ockham wrote:
I think I'll celebrate by raping a cyclist. After all, have you seen what they wear? Obviously asking for it.
I'm putting cyclists on my list as slightly less obnoxious than sea lions. Of course I'm not calling for a cull on cyclists. :bjarte:


Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Guest_440911e7 »

that live stream seems to have ended and also doesn't seem to want to play unless you skip the first couple of seconds.

Whoa oh! Sean Lennon gets into the act. Fucking apologist for racist cislord patriarchy member Bret Weinstein. Did nazi that coming!

ConcentratedH2O, OM
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by ConcentratedH2O, OM »

Guest_440911e7 wrote:
But I could easily be wrong.
Sign up for an account and you get to use the edit button, so you can always just edit an incorrect comment.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by ConcentratedH2O, OM »


Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

ConcentratedH2O, OM wrote:
Guest_440911e7 wrote:
But I could easily be wrong.
Sign up for an account and you get to use the edit button, so you can always just edit an incorrect comment.
You all make so many incorrect comments, I can barely keep up editing them!

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

Billie from Ockham wrote:
Matt Cavanaugh wrote:Hillary questioned whether Barry would be able to take that 3 am call.
Remind me again what time it was in DC when Benghazi happened.... And who took that particular call?
Shall we book a private stream for this one?

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

free thoughtpolice wrote:Billie from Ockham wrote:
I think I'll celebrate by raping a cyclist. After all, have you seen what they wear? Obviously asking for it.
I'm putting cyclists on my list as slightly less obnoxious than sea lions. Of course I'm not calling for a cull on cyclists. :bjarte:
Sea lions are more fun. Have you noticed how bicyclists just fall over when you throw a beachball al their heads?

Easy J
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Easy J »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
free thoughtpolice wrote:Billie from Ockham wrote:
I think I'll celebrate by raping a cyclist. After all, have you seen what they wear? Obviously asking for it.
I'm putting cyclists on my list as slightly less obnoxious than sea lions. Of course I'm not calling for a cull on cyclists. :bjarte:
Sea lions are more fun. Have you noticed how bicyclists just fall over when you throw a beachball al their heads?
Good point. Try that with Nugent & you'll get eviscerated on his blog for months.

ConcentratedH2O, OM
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by ConcentratedH2O, OM »

Matt Cavanaugh wrote:
ConcentratedH2O, OM wrote:
Guest_440911e7 wrote:
But I could easily be wrong.
Sign up for an account and you get to use the edit button, so you can always just edit an incorrect comment.
You all make so many incorrect comments, I can barely keep up editing them!
And that, Matt, is why equines (fascist or not, tittishness notwithstanding) should never be allowed on the internet.


Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Guest_440911e7 »

Matt Cavanaugh
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Matt Cavanaugh »

Brive1987 wrote:Least happy dog ever.

I'm glad ours was trusted not to self mutilate and successfully went without cone.
Hiltz -- Cooler!

Bourne Skeptic
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Bourne Skeptic »

shoutinghorse wrote:The difference between Sikhs and Muslims. Then again Sikhs don't go round blowing innocent children to bits.
Some Sikhs like blowing up planes.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by CaptainFluffyBunny »

Guest_440911e7 wrote:
Oh, they complain bitterly when it's "what about the menz" but when it is islam "what about the muzzies" is all you hear.

free thoughtpolice
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by free thoughtpolice »

Some years ago. the BC Ferry service that links Vancouver Island and other islands and remote Central Cost areas bought some high speed ferries to service the Nanaimo /HorseshoeBay West Van route. They had a problem with with getting seals sucked into the propulsion intakes
and fucking with schedules. That is how populous the vermin was and is.
I had a chat with one of the crew members about culling dudes on jet skis too as another navigation hazard. Sounded reasonable.
Nothing came from it, therefore not terrorism.

ConcentratedH2O, OM
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by ConcentratedH2O, OM »

CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
Guest_440911e7 wrote:
Oh, they complain bitterly when it's "what about the menz" but when it is islam "what about the muzzies" is all you hear.
Are feminists with firebombs a big problem?

Dude, this shit is directly comparable to the beginnings of Nazism: setting fire to a building based on its religious use. How is this defensible, and how does it relate to feminism?

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by CaptainFluffyBunny »

ConcentratedH2O, OM wrote:
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
Guest_440911e7 wrote:
Oh, they complain bitterly when it's "what about the menz" but when it is islam "what about the muzzies" is all you hear.
Are feminists with firebombs a big problem?

Dude, this shit is directly comparable to the beginnings of Nazism: setting fire to a building based on its religious use. How is this defensible, and how does it relate to feminism?
It is not defensible-what I am pointing out, my irascible fungus, is that righteous concerns about men being blown up at the Manchester concert were dismissed as "what about the menz, this is an attack on women" and every liberal outlet was broadcasting islam puff pieces since the attack was concerned, not a word of concern with Islamic ideology as a whole. There is a very real double standard going on in how the news is reported. Ithe would also be of more concern to me if this was widespread, ignored by the authorities and confirmed as not a false flag, of which we have seen many lately. It is hardly analogous to the rise of Nazism to date, although it may get there if people keep pretending that the rise of islamicism in Europe is a benevolent thing, and the problem is really white men.

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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Clarence »

ConcentratedH2O, OM wrote:
CaptainFluffyBunny wrote:
Guest_440911e7 wrote:
Oh, they complain bitterly when it's "what about the menz" but when it is islam "what about the muzzies" is all you hear.
Are feminists with firebombs a big problem?

Dude, this shit is directly comparable to the beginnings of Nazism: setting fire to a building based on its religious use. How is this defensible, and how does it relate to feminism?
When feminists took whole categories of law and turned into them into politicized hate machines devoted largely to the destruction of families and of men -I refer specifically to the Domestic Violence and Sexual Harrasment law - one based on Duluth, the other based on sexism ('reasonable woman")- you either didn't notice, or could care less.
When they subverted Title IX into an excuse to deny Due Process in Universities and push new and vastly expanded definitions of sexual harassment you either didn't notice , or could care less.
That they've constantly expanded the idea of Rape (continuous expressed consent aka "Yes Means Yes") and tried to not only get this law applied (with some success) to colleges and even the regular criminal law (no success so far, efforts ongoing) you either didn't notice or could care less.
Most of modern "Identity Politics" was pioneered by feminism in the 60's through early 80's and there are tons of connections between second wave feminism and the "Critical Race Theory" as well as the postmodern bullshit - both of which innudate and now control the modern academy.

I wonder - how many men, women, and children have been ruined or killed themselves due to 'modern feminism'. I bet literally thousands over the past 3 decades when it comes to suicides, and who knows how many messed up kids due to the abuses of modern family law, corrupt adoption systems, etc. Certainly feminism has done more damage than all the terror attacks combined, though , like with the alleged patriarchy, the state has expanded its power in order to fight the problems, both real and imaginary.

Mosques have been bombed before, and will be bombed in the future. Same as churches. Meanwhile, day to day feminism and similar 'isms' will keep will keep eating the United States and other 'western' societies from within, till the time when 'imposing' burkhas and killing of 'infidels' is not necessary as all these things will have been imposed on ourselves.

Billie from Ockham
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Billie from Ockham »

Bourne Skeptic wrote:Some Sikhs like blowing up planes.
Worst case of air-Sikhness, evah!


Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Guest_84d94f98 »

@CaptinFluffyBunny, the tweet that the OTHER guest account posted, is a direct reference to the what other people have claimed that the London Mayor said that terrorism is "part & parcel of living in a big city."

Here is the video of the London Mayor saying that himself, so you can make your own judgement as to if it is as big of a deal as they have mad it out to be.

Yours Nutritiously,

Posts: 6460
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by Really? »

Guest_84d94f98 wrote:@CaptinFluffyBunny, the tweet that the OTHER guest account posted, is a direct reference to the what other people have claimed that the London Mayor said that terrorism is "part & parcel of living in a big city."

Here is the video of the London Mayor saying that himself, so you can make your own judgement as to if it is as big of a deal as they have mad it out to be.

Yours Nutritiously,
It's the White Man's Burden to get blown up while listening to Ariana Grande, but don't you dare put a slice of bacon on a mosque step.

ConcentratedH2O, OM
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Re: Give Me a Urinal or Give Me Death!


Post by ConcentratedH2O, OM »

Really? wrote:
Guest_84d94f98 wrote:@CaptinFluffyBunny, the tweet that the OTHER guest account posted, is a direct reference to the what other people have claimed that the London Mayor said that terrorism is "part & parcel of living in a big city."

Here is the video of the London Mayor saying that himself, so you can make your own judgement as to if it is as big of a deal as they have mad it out to be.

Yours Nutritiously,
It's the White Man's Burden to get blown up while listening to Ariana Grande, but don't you dare put a slice of bacon on a mosque step.
See now, Clarence and FluffyBunny, this is a great point. There is no need to jump to firebombing as equal to feminism; just show real-world examples where the religious get excused for their cuntishness (pedophilia, not paying taxes, illegal interference with political matters, homophobia, misogyny, pedophilia again, etc) and then ask why the rest of us must pussyfoot around them and their insanity. Throwing bacon onto someone is assault, leaving a few strips at a building's doorway is littering at worst. We really do need a strong atheist movement based simply upon removing religion's privileges and nothing else.
