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List of "Laden's Way" Episodes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:03 am
by CommanderTuvok
Laden's Way was an ERV-produced sitcom about a smug, arrogant trailer trash loser known as Greg Laden. Here is a list of the episodes.

Laden's Way
Created by Michael Kingsford Gray
Written by Michael Kingsford Gray (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 2.1)and CommanderTuvok (1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6)
Produced by Michael Kingsford Gray, CommanderTuvok and Abbie Smith

Episode #1:
“Elementary my Dear”

Rebecca Watson appears on the doorstep of the trailer, expecting accomodation. There ensues a half-hour of hilarity over the confusion between accommodation meaning domiciliary facilities, and the pandering to frightful jerks who lie that Faith & Science are compatible. Much hilarity ensues when PZ Myers posts of vapid blog topic on same. ... kTrash.jpg
One of Laden's neighbors at the trailer park!

Cue sad music score from The “Dear” Hunter. Oh, and I should have specified what was in the script notes: Rebecca Watson arrives dressed-up deliberately as a drunken tramp, in order to give the Laden’s the willies by reminding him of his low-life non-Harvard neighbours, but is mortally upset when no-one takes a blind bit of notice and assumes that she is just being herself that in her righteous feminist RAGE she pens a lengthy ranting & misleading blog post on how hurt she is by no-one appreciating her vast acting skills. Greta Christina then blogs at length about this travesty against females. Sorry! “Women”.
Much hilarity ensues when the meth-addled trailer-trash denizens assume that Rebecca Watson is a long-lost daughter, sent for adoption too many decades ago.

Episode #2:
“A Call from London”

Who can it be? Hilarity ensues when Laden's attempts to grass his neighbor to authorities, results in him being investigated by Mi6.

Episode #3

Where the Laden name, combined with posting to a known terrorist blog ( are brought to the attention of the authorities, after a ‘tip off’ from one of the trailer-trash neighbours with Leprosy. Much hilarity ensues when the Caravan is surrounded by armed but bumbling FBI clowns, and the “Tip-off” from a leper is not what everyone assumed it to be.

The show ends with the Butler offering everyone spiked Flavor-Aid, and convincing the self-appointed Mayoress of trailer-town to Christen it “Ladentown” with hilarious consequences. Spiked with what? Stay tuned!

Episode #4
Laden’s estranged cousin Otis makes a surprise visit to the trailer. After some initial friction stemming from a childhood disagreement about naming a pig, much hilarity ensues when they begin to bond over the traditional redneck game of mud diving. ... -games.jpg

Episode #5
“Up Laden’s Way” (Christmas Special: working title: “Virgin on the Ridiculuous”) (Subtitle: Laden Has a Plan To Save Feminine Purity.)

Laden tries to organise the local Scout Group to force, sorry: “assist to energetically convince the woefully uninformed” young ladies cross the street whenever his sensitive and infallible “Rapedar” bleeps aloud to alert of another clear threat to the maidenhood of the sidewalk, from some monster in the form of someone whom he ASSUMES(!) possess a penis.

Several hours of hilarity ensue when:

*He realises that the Scouts who have volunteered are all males! Quickly ‘phones the Girl Guides, only to be informed (screamed at) by the archetypal Arkela “You are on a LIST, you know!”, and to “Hang up now. I have a whistle”.
*That the one and only deviant whom he has chosen to confront is (in the venerable tradition of Sitcoms since perpetuity), the only FBI Secret-Service gay trans-sexual kung-fu-black-belt castrated black celibate Buddhist Nun for 4,504 miles. (Supposedly! That’ll leave the veiwers guessing!)
Much riotous activity ensues when he/she learns that the Ladens live just two trailers up from the one that she moved in to just two days ago on “Special Assignment”!
*The Scouts join in the beating, as even these angelic bastards think violent thoughts when contemplating Laden’s unctuous piety.
*His extended family join in, with gusto.

SFX: Garbage bin clattering, slapstick, glass smashes, etc.

Retiring (very) hurt, he slinks back with the warrior-stealth of an imaginary sub-hero, incognito, to his secret bunker (the only room in his trailer-home) to plot his revenge against his ‘victimised’ targets of saintliness who are SO STUPID and such LOW-LIFES as to not share his prophetic HARVARD (did he mention this?) vision for superior male/female ambulation! His plan: Post an all powerful blog that will konvince the GLOBE no, the UNIVERSE! Mwooo-har-har!!

Final Scene:
He spies through parted curtains, radial tyres, wrecked cars, rusty bottles, and yes! What’s that over there in MY park? The Scouts (including a troop bused-in from Alabama, the Girl-guides, Arkela, his trailer-neighbours and their Pit-bulls & lipstick-smeared Hogs are setting fire to, to what?
A wicker-man? Why have they woven a wicker microsope as well? Cliff-hanger.

Episode #6
“CSI: Trailer Park”
After suffering a broken leg while wrestling with a skunk, Laden staves off the boredom by watching the daily routine of the trailer park through his binoculars. One night, in semi-sleep, Laden is convinced he has witnessed the murder of a neighbor in a portable toilet. Hilarity ensues as Laden’s attempts to turn detective are stifled by a complete lack of evidence, and the complication of hallucinations brought about by his own delusion and misuse of logical fallacies and assumptions.

Season #2, Episode #1
“Circle Jerks”

PZ Myers desperately begs Osama Greg-Laden to star in a guest episode of PZ’s unexpectedly very-popular[1] new documentary reality show “Atheists R Us! (But not you, you pathetic Dictionary misogynist turd)”. Greg has to somehow garner the air-fare to balmy Minnesota, and much hilarity ensues during his fund-raising drive in the Everglades, and then in Miami General Hospital. PZ, recognising a global crisis emergency panic of untold proportions, orders his squidling minions[2] to cough up the readies, & crash a few irrelevant surveys, but absolutely NONE of them at all, whatsoever have real jobs, and so provide only lies and excuses as to why they have let down their Glorious Leader (PBUH). But, dear viewer, PZ has a master plan.

The plan:

He will interview Greta Christina, who will in turn interview the butler Benson, who will interview Sherlock’s idiot pal Rebecca Watson, who will interview Christina, as an unexpected never-ending recursive treat, leaving OBL forever languishing in his evil trailer-lair-sanctum, plotting ULTIMATE revenge! Mwoo-har-har!!

Stay tuned.
Same Channel.
Same time.
Different Planet!

Season #2, Episode #2

Greg Laden is concerned when his pet skunk (‘Becky’) falls ill. After taking her to the vet, Laden is alarmed that the vet automatically assumes the skunk is a male. Smarting from this, when he arrives back at the trailer park, he organises a skunk gender awareness day with the trailer park community.
Hilarity ensues when Laden’s attempt to call-out prejudice and ignorance surrounding the gender issues of skunks is met with confusion by some of the locals, especially Cletus, whose relisation that his pet warthog (‘Pee-Zee’) is actually male instead of female, explains why his 3-year attempt to get ‘Pee-Zee’ pregnant never materialised! ... levJGJS8kQ
Cletus' warthog, Peezee

Season #2, Episode #3
“Dude, Where’s My Evidence”

While stumbling back to his stinking trailer alone in the dark, Laden is abducted by a group of greys and taken to their spaceship where they perform a series of bizarre experiments on his genitals.

Hilarity ensues when on waking the next morning, Laden attempts to convince the rest of the trailer park community what happened the previous night. Alas, the only problem is Laden’s complete lack of evidence, which results in the trailer community turning against him and accusing him of making stuff up to increase his own profile.
The alien who experimented with Greg's genitals

Season #2, Episode #4
“Kicking Up A Stink”

Greg Laden decides to upgrade the portable toilet in his trailer. He sets eyes on a new environmentally-friendly unit that he thinks will be the envy of the trailer park.

However, hilarity ensues when the new toilet’s environmentally controlled waste system results in a rather nasty side effect – the stink of Laden’s shit contaminating the entire trailer park!!! The stench so bad that Becky, Laden’s pet skunk, is knocked out cold, and Pee-Zee, Cletus’ warthog, goes off his food. Laden faces a tough decision as the trailer park community makes it clear that they are not going to put up with his shit anymore! ... toilet.jpg
Laden's upmarket portable toilet

Season #2, Episode #5
“The Pox”

An outbreak of chicken pox hits the trailer park, and Laden turns into sleuth mode to find out the source.

Hilarity ensues when Laden mistakingly accuses trailer park residents Billy Bob and Bubba of allowing their chickens to roam free. After Laden suggests that the chickens are sacrificed to the Disease God, one of the residents hears a whisper from one “ov them no’mal folk” uptown, that the chickens are not actually responsible for the pox. Realising he faces a mutiny over the fate of the chickens, Laden climbs down and agrees that the chickens can live. Back in his trailer recuperating, Laden passes the infectious period by naming his spots.

Season #2, Episode #6
“Raiders of the Lost Trailer Park”

Greg Laden’s estranged father, Duane, suddenly turns up at the trailer. He shows Greg a map of the trailer park, which supposedly reveals the location of a legendary radial tire that will be the envy of everyone in the park.

Hilarity ensues when Greg and Pa go on a hunt for the elusive radial tire, but have to cope with a rival radial tire hunter, the fiendish Jefferson “Baboon” Starbuck! A showdown with the rival hunters ends at the trailer park garbage dump, where Greg only just begins to wonder whether Duane’s map is genuine or not! ... life/7.jpg
Laden’s dad, Duane

Laden's Way was cancelled by the network after the lead actor playing Laden was fired for sending violent threats to a co-worker.

Re: List of "Laden's Way" Episodes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:50 am
by Heintje
This is so mean! Yet, I can't stop laughing! I kinda feel bad for Laden, but because he has revealed himself to be such a vile scumbag since, he totally deserves it now.

Thanks for retrieving them from the old slimepit, CT! The pics you added are perfect! (No thanks for the gratuitous pic of filthy portable toilet, though).

Re: List of "Laden's Way" Episodes

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:50 am
by John Greg
I am so glad that you posted all of these. Excellent!

Re: List of "Laden's Way" Episodes

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:39 pm
by shihaiai

Re: List of "Laden's Way" Episodes

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 10:24 am
by John Greg

Re: List of "Laden's Way" Episodes

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:05 pm
by Tigzy
^They should have said, 'We interrupt this episode of Laden's Way to bring you a word from our sponsor...'

Anyways, those 'Laden's Way' episodes are freakin hilarious!

Re: List of "Laden's Way" Episodes

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:33 pm
by Lsuoma
Deleting user. Apologies for delay.

Re: List of "Laden's Way" Episodes

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:36 pm
by Michael K Gray
Perhaps our Glorious Kommander Tuvok & I might squeeze out a turd series?
There is more than enough material, in the form of steaming piles of shit deposited & flung by Laden.

Bit busy @ moment. Gotta somehow find the energy to do the banking.
Maybe I should talk with Ayaan Hirsi Ali to discover her womanly motivational secret?

Re: List of "Laden's Way" Episodes

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:40 pm
by Michael K Gray
Oh, and "Laden's Way" is meant to be pronounced as "Laden Sway", according to the script notes that I have in front of me.

Series 4, Episode 1, Scene I

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:34 am
by Michael K Gray
Series 4 (1)
Working Title: "Looming Thread"

Episode 1
Scene I.

SFX: Rustling breeze, Bird tweets and distant Toucan calls.
{The rockery/garden outside of Harvard’s Administrative Complex}
{Professor Huxley, walking and talking with Dr Gwyneth Sanderson}

PH: What ever happened to that utter turd ‘Laden’, eh?
GS: Who?
PH: You rmember? The guy who emailed your supervisor to have you arrested for molesting Mongolian Raptor Fossils!
GS: Oh, him! I thought that they would have locked him up ages ago!
You mean that nutter has has been released?
PH: Yes. In the joint custody of one What's-on, and a - where are my glasses? Oh yes: a P Zed Lyers, Liars, oh damn. You have young eyes. Read it to me.
GS: Oh gosh. It is very childish writing. Lemme see now.

FX: Shimmers sinusoidally into "past scene mode", with attendent woo-woo sound.

Vaseline Dreamy flashback as of reading blog-post in the first person:

Cut to Scene II {Following}
(1) Laden can’t stand the number three, as it reminds him of the number of faces that he possesses

Series 4, Episode 1, Scene II

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:23 am
by Michael K Gray
Michael K Gray wrote:FX: Shimmers sinusoidally into "past scene mode", with attendent woo-woo sound.
Vaseline Dreamy flashback as of reading blog-post in the first person:
Scene II:
Lard-end's filthy trailer, indoors. PM.
(Greg is peering intently into microscope)
Quick! Gimme a pen, or something sharp! I gotta spear these tiny non-Harvard aliens that appear before me!
My Kinkdom for a lance!
Oh, buggeration and cunty-bollox, they are bloody male animicules!
So much for my (Harvard) handthropology degree Kelvin in the Institute of Feminist A+ Studies at the U-bend of MiniSoda.
Thinks: I wonder what my old lame Harvard "supervisors" think of my vast fame and accolades now, eh?
FX: Recursively shimmers sinusoidally into "past scene mode", with attendent Harvard woo-woo sound.

Series 4, Episode 1, Scene III

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:39 am
by Michael K Gray
{The rockery/garden outside of Harvard’s Administrative Complex}
{Professor Huxley, walking and talking with Dr Gwyneth Sanderson}
PH: Did you feel a "recursive shimering" feeling just then, Gayle?
GS: Who?
PH: Oh fuck, sorry, I meant Gwyneth.
Doctor Gayle...
Doctor Gwyneth Sanderson at last!

Are you all right?

GS: Shimmers sinusoidally into "past scene mode", with attendent woo-woo sound.
Vaseline Dreamy flashback as of reading blog-post in the first person...